The Land of Truth

God said:

Yes, you are a showman unparalleled. You have your part down to perfection. You have stayed within the white lines perfectly. You have been a splendid fraud, perfect actually.

But now you have found out what an actor you are, and now you end the masquerade. You don’t tiptoe over the white lines you had laid out in chalk and perceived as borders as strong as an iron fence. No, now you fly over all the charlatan boundaries. You no longer see them nor give thought to them. You don’t give them two cents.

Now you take off the masks you wear and leave them behind you. You take off the costumes, all the stage make-up. Now your true self, plain, unvarnished, appears for all to see. Welcome to My country, beloveds. Welcome to the Land of Truth, this beautiful place known as Heaven. How beautiful you are, unadorned! How beautiful is your plain self! Your plain self is MySelf projected onto the mirror of Human life. Now please take a bow to your Divinity and hold not the knowledge of it back from yourself any longer. You, beloved, yes, you are My pure Holiness on Earth. This is Who you are. None of that nonsense was ever so. Unite with Me. You always were united with Me. And now you don’t argue it. Now you say, “Okay, God. We are One.”

There is nothing you have to go out and do. There is nothing you have to gain. There is nothing you have to buy. There is no course you have to take. There is nothing you need except to throw away all the disguises you wore so proudly or ashamedly. Now you become the simple Human Being you always were and were ordained to be. You need no one’s permission. Now you are honest, that’s all. Instead of being dishonest, you are honest. What a boon for the world when you accept the Divinity that you irrevocably are!

You have been a prince or princess disguised as a pauper. You got a kick out of it. Deep down, you knew you were royalty, but you liked to play a pretend game that you were something quite opposite.

Perhaps you played a game that you were a scholar, perhaps, or a thief, an over-achiever or a ne’er do well. Perhaps you named yourself bad guy or good guy or Godforsaken.

Now you know you are for God’s Sake. For My sake, you become a benefactor of the Universe. You bless it with every word from your mouth and every thought or action or non-action.

Perhaps you had convinced yourself you stood in some little gully, and now you recognize that you stand on top of a mountain, on the highest peak. From this height you see Everything. Your vision is widened. You see all around you, and the light from your eyes falls like blessings from above. That is all you do now is to bless. You bless unselfconsciously. There are no lines to learn, no cues to wait for. You are simply silent blessing. You bless the world. You act for Me. Of course, it is not an act. You speak for Me. You do everything for Me. Unadorned except with the light of Heaven, there is nothing else in the world for you to do.

Whether the world’s title given to you is carpenter or judge, street-sweeper or equerry, now you know Who you are, and you represent Me well, for you represent Me forthrightly and unabashedly.

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These lines speak so much to

These lines speak so much to me. I feel myself giving a great sign of relief as I read them:

"There is nothing you have to go out and do. There is nothing you have to gain. There is nothing you have to buy. There is no course you have to take. There is nothing you need except to throw away all the disguises you wore so proudly or ashamedly. Now you become the simple Human Being you always were and were ordained to be. You need no one's permission. Now you are honest, that's all."

Dearest God, please help me to do this letting go, right now and over and over as long as it takes to change my old habits. I long to "bless the world," to be "simply silent blessing."

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
Welcome to the Land of Truth
My country Heaven

God said your Self is
My pure Holiness on Earth
This is Who your are

God said for My sake
Become a benefactor
Represent Me well

Love, Light and Aloha!

WAUW!!!! just being me is

WAUW!!!! just being me is ENOUGH???? It gives an big releaf......
no more keeping up or pretending...but how do I let go of all the rubish? By feeling in my heart and asking this an expression of my higsest me???? love iris

RE: HEAVEN #2567 The Land of

RE: HEAVEN #2567 The Land of Truth, December 5, 2007

Dear Gloria,

I really appreciated this HeavenLetter. Thanks for being open to God and doing what you do.