What God Wants

God said:

You are swollen with love for Me. All that you accumulate is evidence of your love for Me. But love for Me cannot be kept within. That is not enough. Your love for Me has to be expressed. Do not keep Me to yourself. Do not hoard your love for Me.

You are like a river, and you must flow to tributaries. Love is not to be dammed up. Love is the overture of a great symphony and must be sounded.

When you see a beautiful sunset, do you want to be the only one who sees it? Do you wish to keep it to yourself, or do you wish to call someone over to see it with you? Sometimes you want to keep it to yourself. You want to be the discoverer and the holder of the beauty before you as though you were the owner of the universe and it was yours alone.

By all means, keep the sunset and Me in your heart, but keep them in your heart for all to see. Let the waves of the beauty you have seen flow to all who will receive them. Let your discoveries burst their bounds. Unbind beauty. Unbind love.

You are not on one side of love. Love is not one-sided. The rays of the sun shine all around.

Yes, be like the Sun and shine your rays of love without thought, without measure, without restraint. The Sun is so filled with its love that it has no occasion to worry about expenditure. The Sun knows that somehow its rays return and make more rays. The more the Sun gives, the more light it has. Its power is in its giving. It gives its light and lets it fall where it may.

Christ did not discern as to whom he would shed his light on. Like Me, he did not choose some and eliminate others. All that came to be healed were healed. Even those who did not know they had come for healing were healed. Christ's light altered all that it lit on. Love does not fit in a funnel. Love does not like to be sequestered. Love's purpose is to radiate. The purpose of love is to be itself fully wherever it may be. Selective love is not love. It is partial, and therefore selective love is only a particle of itself. It is a wisp. Christ walked the earth on My behalf. All he did was for Me. He was My publicist.

All that takes place in the universe takes place within you. That is where the action is. Within you. The universe lies within you. But you cannot keep the universe to yourself any more than you can keep love. The purpose of life is expansion. You expand to Oneness.

You could give all your possessions away, but that is not giving. That is moving the physical from one place to another. When you feel you are benevolent, you have been benevolent to yourself. You have enriched your ego. The physical giving is incidental. It is the heart that bestows. The heart gives of itself. And it is giving to Me.

You are giving yourself back to Me Who created you. All giving is to Me and therefore to yourself.

You bless the poor by seeing their richness.

You bless the sickly by seeing their health.

Give Me away. Pursue that which cannot be hoarded. Within your heart, give in My name. Give Me away today. Serve Me well. Pepper the Earth with My love. Make Me known today. No longer keep Me to yourself. Expand My horizons.

Sometimes you wait to announce Me to the world. Announce Me now. Spread Me today. Lay down a cloth of love on My behalf and bring many to walk on it. Today We march across the universe. Do not keep Me hidden unto yourself. Spread your love for Me to others. Help Me to be known. Do not look for acceptance of yourself. Look for acceptance of Me. Give Me so that I may be known. Make Me the Great and Famous. I do not need you to give Me. You need to give Me so that you know you are Mine. I gave you all My wealth, and now you share My existence with others. It is up to you to make Me known. I cannot wait much longer for you to introduce Me to the world.

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Christ did not discern as to whom he would shed his light on. Like Me, he did not choose some and eliminate others. All that came to be healed were healed. Even those who did not know they had come for healing were healed. Christ's light altered all that it lit on. Love does not fit in a funnel. Love does not like to be sequestered. Love's purpose is to radiate. The purpose of love is to be itself fully wherever it may be. Selective love is not love. It is partial, and therefore selective love is only a particle of itself. It is a wisp. Christ walked the earth on My behalf. All he did was for Me. He was My publicist.

Yes! JJ


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