The New Series from God starting January 21st 2018.
Wholeness on Behalf of the Universe
Beloved, where are you going? What journey are you on? This time around for you isn’t likely your first time around, yet who knows and how significant is a question anyway? There are more meaningful matters than curiosity or stealth to account for.
There is Love Abundant. There is Love Abiding. There is Love known to stir your heart on My Behalf and on behalf of the Universe and also on behalf of yourself and others as well.
Perceptions of Life in the World
Beloved, you must know that many are out there in the world who would cry from joy to be blessed with all that you have in your life that you may take for granted, that you perhaps do not take any notice of nor once consider singing out to Me: “Thank You, God!”
Beloved, don’t expect a guilt trip from Me. Guilt is not wonderful. Guilt doesn’t help you digest your food. I do not ask you to harbor guilt. Guilt isn’t your friend. Guilt doesn’t serve you or anyone. I ask you to enjoy your God-given food. Be good hearted. Do good, yet absolve your heart from imposed guilt.
Godwriting is the Budding of a Rose
Beloved, this is true. There is great joy in Godwriting. Never do you write from desperation. I do not cudgel you into the idea that you must cover your tracks with Godwriting. You are you, Godwriter or not. You are My beneficence, ready or not.
Godwriting flies from your tapping fingers or pen and ultimately from Our One Heart.
Without a Beginning, Can There Be an Ending?
Beloved, when I say there is no beginning and no ending, you may feel strongly that there must be some kind of finale to be done and over with. You ask Me:
“God, did not creation at least presumably exist before Your children could land on Earth, at the very least stuck in the illusion of the relative world? There has to have been at least a presumption of the illusory world as a given. At least, the extraneous world can truthfully be said to have been around before Your children arrived. Is this stated or understated? This gets wobbly for me.
Must All Questions Be Answered?
Beloved, where are you going? What journey are you on? Is this the first time around? Not likely, yet who knows and how significant is the question anyway? There are more meaningful matters than curiosity to take into account. There is Love Abundant. There is Love Abiding. There is Love Known to stir your heart on My Behalf.
Of course, generally speaking, you are curious beyond measure – the Oneness that I refer to as You, My Beloved, You at this moment. You don’t have to be curious. It isn’t a necessity, nor does curiosity have to be a strike against you.
Heaven on Earth for All
Beloved, yes, when life frustrates you, take a good, deep breath. Why be frazzled? There may not be all the time in the world, yet there is time enough for you to slow down. When you feel frazzled, this is the very signal to slow down and not rush. The very case that you are frazzled is the exact signal to change the train you are riding on. You don’t like being hassled, so don’t hassle yourself.
Our Dance has Begun
Beloved Child, you are about to strike up the band. I call to You, the You I speak to at this moment, and the You Who answers Me merrily at My behest and at your own as well.
Our dance has begun. A new day begins. You begin to accept the Truth of Oneness with aplomb. There is no other way to accept this but right away. Yes, the day has come. Breathe a sigh of relief. The day has come. It is alighting on Our One Self right now.
You revolve through the Universe. I proclaim You Oneness, and you begin to acclaim Oneness to your Self as well.