God Be Praised

God said:

Beloveds, I am telling you how to see yourself. See yourself as the God Being that you are. It is for you to know what you are worth. Know it, and then be quiet about it. No one else needs to know. It is not for you to blab about. It is not for you to say a word about your worth. There are some things to be still about, and this is one. Keep your worth to yourself. In words I mean.

In action, reveal yourself. In being, reveal yourself. By your very presence, reveal yourself. Be a balm to the world. Let others think about you as they will. Let them think you are a saint or a sinner. It is for you to know you are neither. Sooner or later, others will come to this realization themselves.

It serves no purpose for you to wear medals of spiritual valor on your chest. What did the Great Ones wear? They wore simple robes. They did not point to themselves. They were not prepossessing. Buddha sat under a simple tree. He had no neon signs pointing to him. He did not put himself under a spotlight. He did not stand on a pedestal. He did not sit on a throne. He sat under a banyan tree. He was the most modest of men.

Christ never said: "Look at me, how enlightened I am!" The enlightened acknowledge Me and not themselves. Who needs to know how marvelous you are. It is enough I know. Let that be enough for all. Be an announcer of Truth and not your qualifications. May others do the same.

All are Divine Beings. Nothing more needs to be said. No Divine Being is to be adored or given attribution. It is a given that you are a Divine Being. It is also a given that you are a Human Being with all the accoutrements that implies. In the relative world, you are just a man or woman.

When Christ walked the Earth, he didn't seek plaudits. He wasn't about himself at all, and he didn't want others to limit their thinking to him either. He was about Me, and that is what he wanted others to be about too. All the Great Ones were about service to Me and not about anyone's impressions of them. They knew where they wanted you to look, and it was not at themselves.

Be a noble Human Being. Yes, be it, and be the last to know. Do you understand what I am saying? Do not fluff yourself up, and do not encourage any other to fluff or puff you up. Fluff is not what you are about. Love is what you are about.

Loving yourself is not preening. It is not a pose. Love yourself modestly. Do not cry your merits from the rooftops. What is is, and what isn't isn't. Nothing needs to be said. Love reveals itself, but love does not have to come in a fancy package. Save your breath, beloveds, for something more important than others' impressions of you. Save others from wasting their time and their hearts and souls.

You are all made in My image, yes, indeed. All are. Don't let anyone tell you he is a big honcho. And don't you tell yourself you are. All are simple servants of God. No one is to have brass bands announcing his arrival. No one is to want anyone to sing his praises. It is My praises you want sung. You have too much serving to do to either admire or be admired. You are My Divine Child. And everyone else is too.

This is not putting you down, beloveds. When I say that all glory is Mine, would you really want it otherwise?

Read Comments

we are not servants of god

we are components of god and children of god and not servants of god. we are here to serve god's love but not in a submissive way but in our way. we should not lose our lives serving in ways others choose and being submissive. we should save our lives by serving in our way and not being servants or slaves to others.

You make an excellent point.

You make an excellent point. Serving does not mean sacrifice.

In the context of what God says, I have to ask you, dear Bernie, who is a better servant of God than you?


Ah, serving is such a rich topic. Consider this:

You Will Meet Your Universality
Heavenletter # 2756 Published on: June 11, 2008

In service to Me, you will serve yourself well. Service to Me, by no means, means that you shortchange yourself. What it may mean is that you change your thinking, beloveds, for the benefit of all.

Or this from

Think like God
Heavenletter # 2754 Published on: June 9, 2008

I know you very much want to be in My Presence and in good service to Me.

I hear your answer: "Happily, God. Now, tell me please, how do I best be in Your service?"

And then I say: "By being in My Presence. That is all that is needed. Then you follow My compass. Then you follow Me."

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said see yourself
As the God Being you are
Made in My Image

God said be modest
In Being reveal yourself
Nothing needs be said

God said yes all are
Love is what you are about
Let that be enough

Love, Light and Aloha!

Oh, what a wonderful

Oh, what a wonderful Heavenletter !!!

I love the part about being silent and about our beingness, amazingly beautiful really !

There are some things to be still about, and this is one. Keep your worth to yourself. In words I mean.
In action, reveal yourself. In being, reveal yourself. By your very presence, reveal yourself. Be a balm to the world. Let others think about you as they will. Let them think you are a saint or a sinner. It is for you to know you are neither. Sooner or later, others will come to this realization themselves.

Love and joy to all

Loving God.......

"You are all made in My image, yes, indeed. All are. Don't let anyone tell you he is a big honcho. And don't you tell yourself you are. All are simple servants of God. No one is to have brass bands announcing his arrival. No one is to want anyone to sing his praises. It is My praises you want sung. You have too much serving to do to either admire or be admired. You are My Divine Child. And everyone else is too."

"This is not putting you down, beloveds. When I say that all glory is Mine, would you really want it otherwise?"

Yes.....to be a simple servant of God....in every moment...no need to figure out...but to rest in Divine presence...the stillness...and then to be quietly directed...as one action seamlessly slides into the next moment. Oh...what on earth could be greater than this...Indeed. Why this must surely be Heaven on earth. No fanfare....just the steady flow of Love from the fountain of God in our hearts. I know of nothing greater than this.....jim




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