The Unboundedness of You

God said:

Assume you are unboundedness. Unboundness means no barriers. The truth is that there are no barriers. All barriers are illusions. They are painted cardboard fences that you think are stone.

There is no barrier that you cannot break through, climb over, walk around. Barriers exist only in your mind. Someone said they were there, and you accepted that they were. You set up the supposed barriers, or someone else did.

Barriers are a deck of cards. Your breath can blow them over without a backward glance.

Barriers are a put-up thing. They are some squeeze in your mind that says you have stairs to climb or rivers to cross when all the time there is nothing in your way but a misconception. You may even have the misunderstanding there to prevent you. You are afraid to move so you build a misunderstanding to keep you in place. The imagined barriers serve you.

All of the universe serves you.

It serves you well. Now you can shift your intention. Shift it from barriers to unboundedness.

So long as you believe you are prevented, you are prevented. You prevent yourself.

What possibly keeps you away from Me but some myth you have perpetuated?

You have set yourself apart.

You are not apart.

You are a part.

You are unboundedness in a human form. You are love incorporated in a circumference of matter. But you are love. The borders of a body are borders of a body. They are not borders of you. You are unbordered. You are unbounded.

You have that within you that knows no boundaries.

Any boundary you imagine has been conceived. You put it there. Or someone else erected it, and you left it there. Nothing can prevent you but the concept of prevention. Decide to surge ahead, and you surge ahead.

Avail yourself of the power of the universe. The power of the universe is within you. Yet somehow you perceived yourself as a weakling. There is nothing to change but your perception.

Take your attention off yourself and put it on Me. Forget about your boundedness. Forget about striving. Do some arriving. Arrive to the beginning. From a clear view, you can see. Begin to see your possibilities.

Get up. Arise! Arrive! Catch up to truth!

You are God's child, no other.

And there is nothing that can hold back a child of God but misthinking. And you have been misthinking. You have misthought.

Let your heart lead you to greatness. What greatness is it that you want? Consider first what is greatness?

Fame is not greatness. Riches are not greatness. Property is not greatness. What is greatness, and why haven't you claimed it?

You are greatness. You are My greatness. Anything less is smallness. Greatness is unboundedness. Greatness is claiming your heritage. Greatness is putting a flag up and announcing to yourself: "I am God's child. What then can I be but greatness? Greatness takes great strides and knows not smallness. Greatness is big-thinking, farseeing, all-encompassing. God says I am greatness, but that I have hidden myself under a barrel. All I have to do is come out, leave the barrel, and open to Him and His creation. Nothing can prevent me from being what I am but some truss I have put up to stop me from Self-realization. There is nothing I have to do but see. Once I see, I am unbounded in truth and in fact. I unbind myself. I am the unbounder of myself. I was the binder, and now I am the unbounded."

What can you not do from a platform of greatness? What can you not see? What are you if not My greatness permeated on Earth? If you exist, you are that which I say you are, or else you would not exist. And you exist. You exist. You exist in My heart and in the world, and Whose opinion will you listen to, yours or Mine? Whose opinion matters?

Of course, in My case, it is not opinion. Never mind opinion. Your opinion isn't worth much. Yours or anyone else's. Come to Truth. It awaits you. I await you. Say you are Mine, and then know it.

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You are greatness. You are My greatness. Anything less is smallness. Greatness is unboundedness. Greatness is claiming your heritage. Greatness is putting a flag up and announcing to yourself: "I am God's child. What then can I be but greatness? Greatness takes great strides and knows not smallness. Greatness is big-thinking, farseeing, all-encompassing. God says I am greatness, but that I have hidden myself under a barrel. All I have to do is come out, leave the barrel, and open to Him and His creation. Nothing can prevent me from being what I am but some truss I have put up to stop me from Self-realization. There is nothing I have to do but see. Once I see, I am unbounded in truth and in fact. I unbind myself. I am the unbounder of myself. I was the binder, and now I am the unbounded."