One Petal from a Tree

God said:

How beautiful is one petal from a tree! How beautiful is one tree. How beautiful is one Human Being. Oh, the beauty! A Human Being is a delightful sight. Think a moment of what it is to have a Human Being before you. It is like having the Kohinoor diamond. The only thing is that when you have the diamond in front of you, alas, you are often in ignorance of the value. That must be what purgatory is, beloveds — to have a treasure and not know its true value. Imagine thinking that a diamond is a bauble! Imagine thinking that the Kohinoor diamond is glass! Imagine thinking that a Human Being is a dime a dozen. What folly! Well, is that not what you have thought?

Perhaps you have thought, "My goodness, there are so many people around! What matters one more or less? Besides, too many of them irritate me." Ah, but each Human Being matters a great deal. Each matters to Me beyond your recognition.

You know by now I never take offense. I understand you too well to take offense. Besides that, there is so much love in My heart that I cannot get to the point of possibly seeing offense to take. This is probably how it is for you when your child draws a picture. You love the child and you love the child's drawing even when it is indecipherable to you. It is much in the same way as when your child is not yet tall enough to reach a cupboard, you understand that your child simply isn't tall enough to reach. What would there possibly be to take offense at?

One difference between you and Me is that your child can do something you find grievous and you push your child away, or you are distant because of a mood that has come upon you, whereas I do not bother with moods, unless you happen to call love a mood.

Beloveds, I do not hold it against you that you do not yet love every one. You simply aren't able to reach the cupboard yet. I know with the confidence borne of God that one day you will. I know that one day you will love so fully that it wouldn't occur to you to see in any way but in love. It would be like you are tall. It would never occur to you to be anything but the height you are. You would not think, "I used to be short. I will stoop down and be short again."

In this way, it would not occur to you to be less than the lover of God and your fellow man that you will grow to be. You would not go back. You would not consider for one moment stepping into your old worn-out inadequate shoes. Oh, no, you never would, for the time has come when you see with My eyes, and so you see with love, the same way that you might see hundreds of different kinds of trees, each different from the rest. Some would bear flowers and fruit, some would give shade, some would have branches like wings that let the light come through, some would have big leaves and some would have short, and what would you care at all because all would be God's trees.

One day you will simply love, and your love will reach all in your view or out of your view. Your vision will just be too great not to love. You will see every king and every derelict with love because you are love and can't be anything else. You will simply stand at the height you are.

Read Comments

I was wondering recently,

I was wondering recently, how we respect and love the work of artists who create in a way that touches our hearts. If that musician were to have a concert, we would do our best to get front row seats. If a painter had an exhibition, we would happily make time in our schedule to stop by the gallery and marvel at the art. When a director, actor or writer whose work we enjoy appears in a new film or creates a new novel wouldn't we do what we can to experience their creation/work?

Well then I was wondering who's my favourite creator. Naturally He came to mind first. And then I smiled knowing that I have:
- front row seats to the best concert ever held when I wake up in the morning and hear the sounds of nature
- not just a ticket to the best Broadway feature ever made, but a lead role in this drama, which never seems to end or lack original scenes.
- constant free entry to the best art exhibition when I see the colours, scenes and richness that surround us, in nature and in His masterpiece or signature piece...You!

How sweet it is to be part of the creation, the experience of that and the One where that comes from!

One Love
p.s What parts of this Art Exhibition/Drama/NovelPainting/Concert to you most love?



Todays Heavenletter was just beautiful and was a perfect analogy for how mankind will love when they have further evolved or "grown taller" as Father said in this Heavenletter. God Bless you sweet Lady that you speak these words with such love.

Let your light shine before men,
(Matthew 5:16)


3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said I know all
Beyond your recognition
Each Being matters

God said Beloveds
One day you will simply love
Your love will reach all

God said imagine
That when you see with My eyes
You will see with love

Love, Light and Aloha!