God's Golden Child

God said:

You are such a Golden Child of Mine that it is My desire that you always be honored, made welcome, treated well, treated most graciously, and be given the respect and regard that a Divine Child of Mine is entitled to and must have. There is something in you that must have respect and regard from others. It is unnatural not to have it. Something is off. It doesn't feel right. It is hard to take.

Alas, the world does not know the worthiness of every single soul. In the world, many do not know this at all. They think that disregard is their right. If it is in their power, they seem to think it is their right, or they may not think at all. It is no secret that, in the world, sometimes some of My brightest lights are treated like throwaway children. Do not feel so bad, my dear ones. Christ and innumerable others have been treated worse. You, at least, are able to walk away from demeaning situations, for, of course, it is true you don't belong in such situations.

No one should ever treat you shabbily. They have no right to do so. They do so from ignorance. They do not know Who you are. They don't know Who they are either. They don't even know what they are doing. They know not what they do. They are not thinking of you. They are not thinking. When people see from a limited vision, they are not thinking. They are not loving. They are coming from a cut-off perspective and so are blinded.

You see, they perceive they have rights of some kind, and their rights somehow got turned into a kind of power, and somehow it becomes all right to be rude, as if rudeness were their dignity. They see their affronting you as sticking up for themselves, as if they have to stick up for themselves and their point of view, and this sticking up becomes urgent, and thus their perception is darkly clouded. Either for sport or for seriousness, they have seen something in you as an affront to them.

Better not to take affront nor give it.

Sometimes it seems to come down to whether you have any rights on the Earth in which you live. Sometimes you feel downright unwelcome, and wonder what you are doing here at all.

This is a shortsighted interpretation I have been giving, beloveds, because this turns you into innocent victim, and others into villain, ignorant villains, but villains nevertheless. It's a funny thing, how interchangeable the parts are. It's strange, isn't it, that those who condemned Christ saw themselves as victims and Christ in the wrong? Christ, of course, was able to think of his persecutors as innocent.

In ordinary life, by and large, when you feel injured and put upon, the one doing the injury is feeling injured and put upon as well and is only trying to get his own back. He is just like you! And you, too often, may be just like him! It is very strange indeed how brother fights brother, each feeling that he has been treated wrongly.

And well you might ask: "Is feeling indignity always ego? It can't be, God. How can we not feel humiliated when we've been humiliated? We're not all Christ who can overlook being mistreated."

Here's the point: Whether it is ego or beyond ego or realism that makes you feel humiliated, the cause and merits are not the issue. No matter how demeaning, no matter how wrong, when you are feeling humiliated, you can't stay there. The reason and validity of anything are irrelevant. Now you must release yourself from the bonds of humiliation. Now you are responsible for how you feel.

Get out of the dungeon of humiliation, and come to Me now.

Read Comments

I knew this was coming.

I knew this was coming. Righting wrongs is pointless to begin with. If you can do something simple and direct to clear up some mess, do it. Otherwise, get out of there. Get back to where you belong. Eventually, you will no longer go there in the first place, you will stop taking offense and feeling wronged. How much simpler and easier life will be!

Sometimes I wish we would not wander off quite so far, coming from such a "cut-off perspective" when we do. But perhaps it's necessary for some of us to come from there and help someone else "get out of the dungeon of humiliation". And next time perhaps we'll swap roles.

And well you might ask: "Is

And well you might ask: "Is feeling indignity always ego? It can't be, God.
How can we not feel humiliated when we've been humiliated? We're not
all Christ who can overlook being mistreated."

Indeed, we all are Christ and we can all see through the illusions and misperceptions
of our mind. Can we live with more and more and more Christ consciousness from
this very moment on ? How much do we long to reach finally Home ? Let's go Home
together, right now.

much love

God's Golden Child

I never cease to be amazed at how God always answers even the tiniest of concerns through Heavenletters! A few days ago a client viciously attacked me which left me feeling humiliated and victimized. Last night I had a dream in which love was flowing between all of us, and I awoke this morning to this wonderful letter addressing the situation perfectly! I am so blessed.......thanks be to God.

I loved this heaven letter.

I loved this heaven letter. It is something that so needed to be said because it is what troubles the world every day on small, person levels and large, country levels, causing wars.

It struck home for me because when others are cruel to me it makes me feel so bad inside and this is a reminder of what they are really feeling and we are all the same. It takes my bad feeling away and replaced with understanding. Now I have to re-read this heaven letter often so the message becomes part of me.

I appreciate this site.

gold´s golden child

Yes, Father, it hurst... we are still growing up... and when have been humiliated all our life, can not do what we like to do... enjoy the beautiful life you gave to us... we cry... and so, please, take me (us) in your arms... make me(us) feel your Love... make me(us) fell
strong, and can "educate" our Ego, that child so wild...
With my Love

I loved that so many people

I loved that so many people who may not have posted before are posting their hearts here for all of us to grow from.

God bless you, Melanie, Andrea, and Fernanda.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said My dear ones
Better not to take affront
Nor give it reason

God said Divine Child
Release yourself from ego
And come to Me now

Love, Light and Aloha!

Humiliation and Hurt

I can totally relate Gloria but easier said than done. I still feel I have to right the wrongs done to me, to say this is what you did, this is the effect on me, this is how I feel and this is what you can do to rectify your wrongs but when the person does not want to hear and just wants to get away with what he did and is afraid because of his crimes and therefore very offensive and defensive, what shall I do??? I tried to forget and run to God, and did years of sadhana and came back and nothing has changed. I try to tell myself to forgive and forget but I can't get there yet. Am still dealing with the devastation of my career and marriage and finances...What to do??? I stay away and it never heals...or very, very slowly I hurt less...and even more slowly the anger that was repressed arises (yes, ego i know even when it's righteous)

But that is what we all do

But that is what we all do to some extent, dear Sasha. Do not criticize yourself for it. Trying to right a wrong hasn't worked out and forgetting wasn't possible either. But so what? At least now you truly long for a solution and that's the wonderful part of it. Getting seriously serious. You may find it helpful to read a Heavenleter on the topic of Forgiveness. You can find it here:


And if you sense a vastness around or within you sometimes, listen into it, go there often. That is where healing is.

New and useful insight

I came to this letter after Jochen quoted it in response to the Sept. 6, 2009 daily Heavenletter. Thank you, Jochen.

"Alas, the world does not know the worthiness of every single soul. In the world, many do not know this at all.”

How true! This seems to encapsulate the difficulty mankind must work out on this planet.

“When people see from a limited vision, they are not thinking. They are not loving. They are coming from a cut-off perspective and so are blinded.”

This helps me have more compassion for those who lash out and injure others. To see them as lashing out blindly is something I can certainly relate to. I can see myself in their actions. I agree with Andrea’s sentiments.

“They see their affronting you as sticking up for themselves, as if they have to stick up for themselves and their point of view, and this sticking up becomes urgent, and thus their perception is darkly clouded. Either for sport or for seriousness, they have seen something in you as an affront to them.”

This also seems to be a profound observation of human behavior. How many times have we seen “personality conflicts” where something about one person triggers another to attack them in some way? This theme seems to run through a lot of human actions – perhaps even to the mega-level of war.

“It's a funny thing, how interchangeable the parts are. It's strange, isn't it, that those who condemned Christ saw themselves as victims and Christ in the wrong?”

I have never thought about this in this way before. It is like a light bulb lighting up in my brain for me! It must be true, though. Everything I have observed about people and their behavior supports this statement. I have been so fixated I never considered the views of his attackers in any kind of depth. Could my angry attitude be at least partly self-righteous? Perhaps.

A wonderful letter that has helped me to look at things in new and useful ways.

Peace and love to all………Chuck


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