concept of victimization
When Every Soul on Earth Matters
If everyone came from confidence rather than lack, the whole configuration of the world would be different.
If no one feared they would be robbed, would there be robbery?
If no one worried that they would not be paid, would there be debt?
If there were not sense of lack, would seeming lack exist?
Are the robber and the robbed vibrating at the same vibration? Does the one with ten locks on his front door call the robber to him? Is the robber answering a request when he robs?
Do the ones who dun for payment attract those who do not pay?
God's Golden Child
You are such a Golden Child of Mine that it is My desire that you always be honored, made welcome, treated well, treated most graciously, and be given the respect and regard that a Divine Child of Mine is entitled to and must have. There is something in you that must have respect and regard from others. It is unnatural not to have it. Something is off. It doesn't feel right. It is hard to take.
Always Go Higher
Always go higher. In any situation that troubles you, you haven't gone high enough. It is not that you are not thinking. It is that you are thinking only one way and not another. When you are in the brambles, the thing to do is to get out. So must you with your thoughts. Sometimes your thoughts put you in a hard situation. What if the situation is not what you think it is at all? Can you not look at it differently?