hi there.
i suppose writing this is cmoing from a very negative space and quite disempowered
ive become mentally ill after three years of things in my life falling to pieces
based on worrying and not being able to make a decsions
i was ok . always had trouble with simple tasks but also very smart and spirtual and
hard working
three years ago- i crashed and its been a downward spiral, losing jobs, frinds, god.
i have been everywhere looking and that is the problem
im obsessed with fhingin something
and i need practical help eiwht practical things
i am at my parents house now- not doing mucha dn it affects them
i just feel so lost abotuwhat o do to get better
i know in my head what to do but odnt do it.
and it just gets worse,
ive been here 6 weeks an dhardly do anything but its also a pattern
talking about myslef asing for help
and not doing my share to help in the house
its a waste of a life... and i dont seem to be ablet oshake it off
i feel dead an di lost all my friends--
i jsut seem to write negagive an get more negative.
my brain is not working correctly
Dear Leeni,
being desperate can look like brain not working correctly. Very likely it does work correctly. But there are times, I know them very well myself, when it is simply shouted down by something else. Wanting to find something is certainly not a problem, but yes, looking everywhere and obsessing about it can wear you out.
God says it's not possible to lose Him, but I must confess it took me some prolonged and hard work to convince myself of this. For now, give yourself the benefit of the doubt: Try to consider the possibility that you are all right after all even if your situation seems to clearly indicate that you are not.
It's wonderful you found this site. I recommend reading Heavenletters. They are by far the most powerful remedy I have found in many many years of searching.
Personally, I would like to hear more about you and your life. Perhaps you will feel inspired to comment on Heavenletters, which would be wonderful.
Being German, I don't know whether your name is that of a woman or that of a man. In any event, here's a welcoming hug for you....
how can i deal with the
how can i deal with the resistance to get well?![]()
Hi thanks for the hug. I am
Hi thanks for the hug. I am female. I wrote without reading the rules first.
I think I'm looking for god again because i feel like i dont listen.
that god has always been here but i can't seem to be of service
maybe i am just feeling sorry for myself. i have to do the work to get well
this site is miraculous. and i'm glad its here.
i hope i can contribute ina positive way.
I just found out you are not
I just found out you are not new to the forum, Leeni. I even once rsponded to you some time ago, and now I remember you are Colleen. Do you remember what Gloria suggested to you at that time? Perhaps it would really be a good idea to come to this forum more often. You have to feel like it, of course.
Blessing you,
yes. ye. thank you . i
yes. ye. thank you .
i suppose that I was so isolated that I didn't realize that forums introduce you to people
and I was too self absorbed .
I was also finding it hard to process informatin.. no excuses
anyway.. yes i must isit more. its just miraculous.
much love
I'm glad you came back,
I'm glad you came back, Colleen.
From whatever understanding I have gained through Heavenletters since I found this site almost a year ago, there are two things I can tell you right away: God in Heavenletters would not agree that there is someting the matter with you. And He would add that there is nothing you have to deal with; you can hand it over to Him, all of it. All you have to do for the time being, your responsibility, is to read His words as open-mindedly and receptively as you can and with the unterstanding that He is actually speaking to you personally while you read. You do not even have to intellectually understand everything. Believe me, this is working wonders for me and it will for you. In time, you will know more and more clearly what else there is for you to do, and you will feel increasingly able to do it.
Let me add something about the character of this web site, dear Colleen. Please understand that is not a counseling site but wholly dedicated to the living word of God as transmitted to us by Gloria who receives these daily messages from God and types them out. All the discussions on the forums center around Heavenletters themselves. Personal issues are mentioned and described, of course, and they will get loving responses, but all of this will always have to have a clear reference to Heavenletters themselves and to our understanding of them.
Having said this, it is perfectly all right and welcome that you tell us about your life and its challenges while introducing yourself - the way you are doing it here. Now let us try to identify the threads that connect your life to the message of Heavenletters. When you said that you want to visit this web site more, you mentioned that it is "just miraculous". Is this what you find "miraculous" something you could tell us more about?
If Jim's suggestion - reaching out your hand and having it held by God - is something you find helpful, by all means, do it!
Thank you. I appreciate this
Thank you.
I appreciate this reply. What I found miraculous is the love and healing on this site.
I know what God says is teh truth. I perhaps have come in looking for some personal support. What is going on for me has been ongoing and partially I have lost the feeling that God is there even though I beleive it- if that makes sense.
Ive stopped functioning in most of the rest of my life so feel pretty awful.
I miss working, being part of something and actually serving God - manifesting his love
through me. Serving humanity and contributing something of value.
I will try and refrain from neediness. I am sorry .
Love Colleen
Hi Colleen
If this is not your name, please forgive me. When I was once going thorough some difficulties, a friend Priest of mine said to reach out my hand...and that God would hold it for me. I tried that and it helped a lot! And from there, a realization slowly came to me: that dispite how I saw myself, God did truly love me afterall. And this growing realization....which still grows today...helps, so, so much. Take care and be gentle and positive with baby step at a time. Holding you in my heart. Love and blessings, Jim.
This is ery kind-- ok reach
This is ery kind-- ok reach out. up, around..
he/she is there... everywhere!!
Dear Leeni/Colleen/...??/(insert favoured alias of the day here.)
I notice that your spelling has improved drastically, & that can only be construed as a good thing..
Always remind yourself of the positive golden light that surrounds you at all times, may you learn to embrace it, &enjoy basking in it., as others surely have, & do.. ;)
Get well soon, O cherished One,
Brightest Blessings always,
Beautiful response, Michael.
Beautiful response, Michael. Thank you.
Leeni, this is such a great
Leeni, this is such a great group of people here. And you are one of them!
It seems to me that you are feeling a greater confidence and calmness. Do you feel it?
With love and blessings,