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Exceptional Joy & Happiness

Hello Folks,
Before I discovered Heavenletters I had been reading, and continue to do so, A Course In Miracles. I re-discovered that about 2 or 3 years ago. The reading of ACIM has changed my life in ways that I cannot even describe. One change that I will try to describe is the feeling of joy that cannot be contained. One day recently I reached some sort of "mile stone" in that I really am now aware of being "connected". I check myself on a regular basis to confirm and maintain my connection and I am loving this feeling. I want to make a sandwich sign and walk around town with a message that will get people's attention. I want to tell them about how much God loves them and how badly He wants to have a working relationship with them. This is a wonderful outlet for us to share our feelings and inspire each other on. For the moment I have run out of words to express my feelings, so I will close for the time being, but I will be back again soon. Namaste.
Love & Hugs,

Dear Betty Ann, thanks for

Dear Betty Ann,

thanks for sharing this wonderful experience of ACIM. I know what you mean when talking about joy that cannot be contained and expressed in words.
I absolutely love the idea of that sandwich sign !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs to you dear and waiting to see more postings from you !

Thank you

Thank you for your encouraging comments and the beautiful picture.