Life in transition
Hello Dear Friends,
As I typed in the subject: "Life in transition" I realize that my life has been in transition forever and will continue to be that until I am taken home. "That which does not grow dies". Not sure where I heard or read that, but it is a Truth for certain.
My spiritual journey has taken me from the east coast to the west coast and back to the east coast again. It amazes me how at each stage of my spiritual growth God has provided just the right Teacher to guide me along that portion of my journey. Even the deaths of loved ones have proved valuable lessons that I will carry with me the rest of my life.
In recent months I have been dealing with specific relationship issues both in my marriage and with friends and associates. A very valuable lesson learned is that Love really does conquer all. That's why "You can't remedy anything by condemning it.", a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer. There was also the lesson learned about how to love every experience that we encounter in life. We turned around a marriage that was on the brink of breaking up by learning how to love each other unconditionally. That is not an easy thing to do if the other party is not working on the same lesson. But it amazes me how God works in what I call a lopsided relationship. Grace is provided that seems to miraculously make everything work very smoothly. My heart is overjoyed at the wonderful miracles that have happened in our life recently. We are open to any and all miracles that will come in the future. God is good and worthy to be praised.
Love & Hugs,
Oh so beautiful...
Yes...God is so worthy to be praised again and again.....even continually. I think it is a wise portal to peace and happiness...when we just love God. This is so sweet...even when we don't have a clue as to who or what God is. This is even finer...cause we begin with more of a blank slate. Yes, I too like the work of Byron Katie. A good friend is a facilitator here in Sedona.
BettyAnn: May you continue to praise and love God...and shine his'her light oh so lovingly...Jim.
Thank you
Thank you, Jim, for your response. I do aim to praise God all the time and one day i will get there. In the meantime i praise Him as much as i can.
I am in New Hampshire. Where is Sedona?
Sedona is in the middle of Arizona at 4500 ' in a pine-juniper forest with striking tall red rock formations. It is a popular tourist spot and not far from the Grand Canyon. Jim.