Christ and Buddha

God said:

Be like a sieve with love so that it flows. Love blocked is love ungiven. Love by its very nature is free of restriction. Love is not like an article you order from a catalog. Love is not on a list you check off. Love is a light you leave on. How to leave it on is to simply not turn it off nor close the door to it, not even a wedge.

You have sometimes felt that love injured you, that it was a waste of your time on one occasion or another, that it was an investment you gave with a full heart and the investment did not pay off, that you were shortchanged by love, that you were cheated of love, that love played you for a fool, that somehow your issuance of love made you less in the eyes of the world. When it comes to most things, have you not been looking through the eyes of the world rather than through the eyes of love?

Look through My eyes. I created the world and said it was good. I said to you: "Love. Let love be your filter. Let love announce whatever comes into view. Let love be your scepter."

Love is its own return. The object of your love is not the cause nor the basis nor the loss nor the payment. The object of your love is simply pasted on the screen of your love. Your fullness of love matters, not the object. Let everything set off the gong of love in your heart, and you will know fullness. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you looked at everything through the eyes of love? This is not foolhardy. Your commitment is to give love, not to win it.

Value is not ascribed to how much love is poured on you. Christ did not become famous because so many loved him or infamous because others did not. Christ and Buddha after thousands of years are remembered because of the love they gave, not for the love they received. And they are not known because of particular love they gave but the love they freed everywhere. They were not fools of love. They were simply love, not at all costs, but at no cost. They did not command love. Love commanded them but, of course, love does command nor demand. It flows. They walked in love. Love knew their hearts well, and Christ and Buddha and all the great ones emanated love without direction. When all is said and done, what else was there for them to do?

Their love was not dependent upon the weather nor upon who happened to appear in front of them. Their love was not happenstance. If their giving of love depended upon the particular configurations standing before them, they would have been like everyone else, and who would remember them? If their love depended upon surface semblance, would it then have been love? Their love misted from them wherever they walked or sat or whatever they saw. Nothing disturbed their love nor interfered with it. Their love had no gradations. It was not assorted. It was neither active nor passive. It was love. They were fully love.

Love is like nothing else. The crowds that followed Christ knew love when they saw it and dared to believe their own eyes. Those who saw enemy did not see, or they saw what they were told to see or they goaded themselves into excitement in order to drown out the love in their own hearts, as if love were not creditable.

Christ and Buddha were simply what they were, and they were in the name of love. I named them love. I named you love the same but you have scoffed at the idea. You have thought you were anything but love, and so you looked for love around you and kept a tally. But love does not need to enter your heart. Your heart already contains love. All that the vastness of love in your heart wants is to be let out, and that is for you to do.

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Christ and Buddha

I love this letter. I want to be remembered for the love i give not receive.
Beautiful explanation on what love is. I Remember being in the park
early one morning in Tallahasse and seeing the mist and how it just
hung in the air and settled on everything...on the grass, on the park bench
on the ground, on the trees, the leaves----I like that, the mist of Love.

I also recently went to a newly built Chinese reastaurant near me and
I purchased one of their trinkets and it was a translucent white and green
neclace of Buddha with clear white and light-green beads attached...and
now here I am reading about Buddha....

One of the employees asked me if i was Budist...i said no...I believe in Jesus
but Buddha and Jesus are Great Souls.


"Be like a sieve with love

"Be like a sieve with love so that it flows."

It would seem that you are like a sieve.

I imagine Buddha and Christ's spirit are one and the same. Their messages must have been the same. They represented the same One God.

You have beautiful experiences and vision. Thank you so much for sharing.

So beautiful..

Christ and Buddha were simply what they were, and they were in the name of love. I named them love. I named you love the same but you have scoffed at the idea. You have thought you were anything but love, and so you looked for love around you and kept a tally. But love does not need to enter your heart. Your heart already contains love. All that the vastness of love in your heart wants is to be let out, and that is for you to do.

Humbling, isn't it, Jim?

Humbling, isn't it, Jim? Thank you for bringing this Heavenletter to our attention.


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