What Makes You Doubt?

God said:

When you see how light falls through the leaves of a tree, can you doubt My existence? When you see the height of a tree, can you doubt My existence? When you hear a bird sing, can you doubt? When you see a blossoming flower, can you doubt? When you see a butterfly extract the sweet nectar from a butterfly bush, can you doubt? When you see the vast firmament, can you doubt? When you hear the first cry of a new born baby, can you doubt?

What then makes you doubt?

Keep your eye on what erases doubt, and not on what contributes to it. Unless you are seeking to doubt, why would you dwell on that which perpetuates it?

Come from this vantage: The world doesn't know anything. World concepts are incorrect. The world leads you down a garden path. It wants you to think like it does. It makes headlines so you will think like it does. The world would convert you from truth and innocence into subterfuge and doubt.

What is this world I speak of? I suppose We can call it mass consciousness. I suppose We can call it mass ego. The world does not want anyone to be outside of its limits. The world thinks might makes right, even when the might is in numbers alone, even when the might is pure illusion, even when the world has no might whatsoever except for its hold on your thoughts.

Ah, but how powerful are your thoughts. Your thoughts make all the difference in the world. Or do you doubt the power of your thoughts as well as you doubt everything else? Your thoughts are where the action is. Your thoughts manifest in the world.

Your mind tells you when you have a day off. Your mind tells you when you are on vacation. You set your mind-frame accordingly. Surely it's clear that vacation and days off are a state of mind.

Your mind tells you that you must buy this trinket or that. Your mind urges you to stockpile physical creation. Your mind tells you many things that do not benefit you. It tells you, "This is how the world is." It tells you, "There has always been pain and suffering, individual and collective, and there always will be."

I tell you: Nothing in the world will change by world decree. Change in your thinking alone will change the world, and right now is a good time to change the world.

But already you are telling yourself that this cannot be done. What a hold mass thought has on you! Do you really believe you are dependent upon the world? You have been dependent upon it for your woe. The world has trained you well to expect and abet disaster.

If world thought is powerful enough to create war and disaster, is it not powerful enough to create peace and harmony?

Is it possible for you to believe that you can raise your own life by raising your thinking? Is it possible that you can allow that you can heal your own body? Is it possible that you have bought into the idea that the world and the world alone saves you from ill?

Has not your faith been in the world more than in yourself?

Have you not signed an agreement that the world knows more than you, and that you are subject to world thought? Have you not agreed that you will obey world thought no matter how ruthless it is?

If you can so wholeheartedly accept the unloveliness of world existence, can you not accept the practicality of the creation as I blew My breath into it? Are not peace and harmony doable, in the world at large and in your own personal life as well?

I say they are. I say you can change your downward thinking and revamp the sagging world. I say to begin.

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