The Light of the Stars

God said:

Let every day be a day of giving thanks. This will uplift your entire life. This one thing alone. Start from a place of appreciation, and your life will soar.

Complaining hasn't served you well. See what thankfulness does for you. Give appreciation its chance. Appreciation isn't second-best. Let appreciation be the cornerstone.

Appreciate that a day has dawned. Appreciate that you are yet in physical form to appreciate it. Appreciate this stellar opportunity you have to live in the world. If you are here on earth, you are here to sing and dance. You are here to make joy and to lighten the world.

You certainly are not here to mope. You are not needed for moping or caterwauling. You are here to be a blessing to the world. Bless it with your presence.

You were sent to earth from afar to reunite earth with Heaven. You are like an embroidery stitch. You were held high in a hand, dipped into the cloth, and then pulled up again. And so again and again you are a stitch in the fabric of life. You are an important stitch. An invaluable stitch.

You are a bird who dives to earth, pulls up a worm, and takes flight again.

You are a raindrop that moistens the earth, and then you evaporate and return to the Heavens.

You are My Voice held close to earth. You hear Me in Heaven and speak Me on earth.

You are winged Mercury. You may think you clomp around on earth, but you are a messenger from Heaven. Do you think you would be sent to earth to capture earth messages and sling them up to Heaven?

Tell earth about Heaven. Reveal Heaven on earth. Be the upholder of it. Accept once and for all that I do understand you and I do realize what a body on earth goes through. What is the significance of emphasizing worldly conditions. Why would you want to make all that clear to Me when you could make Me clear on earth?

What message would you like to deliver? Mine to earth or earth's to Heaven? Which message needs to be heard more of? Which message benefits the world you so bemoan? Which message benefits you?

It is an old refrain, this one about suffering on earth. How much does complaining help? I would take your complaints away. Your complaints do not affect Me, but they do nail you to more suffering. You hammer suffering in while you ask for it to be removed.

Sing a new tune today. It takes no talent to sing the old one again and again. You have sung it mindlessly.

Sing a new tune mindfully. Even if you are the only one in the world not to point out the wonderfulness of the world, be the only one in the world. Be original.

Highlight that which is worth highlighting. Highlight the world like a radiating sun.

Say something new today. Cross out the old.

Write new lyrics. Skywrite them. Yodel them across the Alps. Tap them in Morse code. Include the new lyrics in boxes of cold cereal. Hand them out like a cigar. Celebrate the birth of new lyrics.

Yes, today, start dancing to a new tune.

Whatever you like, point it out. Let it go like a cowboy's lasso. Boomerang it across the world.

Look at the stars and pull them to your heart. If you have nothing else to please you, look to the stars and know their light is yours.

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this stellar opportunity

•You are a raindrop that moistens the earth, and then you evaporate and return to the Heavens.•