If You Could Be Anyone

God said:

If you could be anyone you wanted to be today, who would you be? And why?

If you could have written any book in the world, which one would you choose?

What song would you like to have written?

Whose singing voice would you like to have?

If you could live anywhere in space and time, where and when would you live?

If you could change one thing about where you live, what would it be?

If I were to offer you one wish, not for the world, but for yourself personally, what would it be?

Ask and answer these lovely questions I present to you, and you will have a course of study about who you are. You will discover what is meaningful to you. You will get to know yourself and what makes you tick. Beloveds, awaken to yourself. Introduce yourself to yourself. Shake your hand. Greet yourself graciously. Never forget who you are and what it means to be blessed with you on Earth.

Everyone is alike, and yet there is not one other person in the world like you. You are the only one. There was never another like you, and there will never be one like you. Infinite are My children. Unique are you.

What a wonderful thing to be you! What the world would have missed if there had not been you! You may think you are just another pebble on the beach, but you have been mistaken before. Believe Me, I do not exaggerate your importance. You underestimate. You underestimate your self and everyone and everything else.

This amounts to your own stinginess, and so you blush when attention comes your way. Attend to yourself, beloved. Attend to Me and attend to yourself, and attend to the world and every living thing in it.

You don't think it's an accident you are here, do you? You don't think you are here by chance, do you? We are not a chance encounter, you and I. No one and nothing is. The wheels were set in motion, and all go along for the ride of their life.

You are not an accident, and there are no rolls of the dice.

There is perfect balance everywhere even though you see polarity. Yet it does not have to be that way. You don't require disharmony in order to have harmony. You don't need poverty in order to have riches. No need to have lack so that there is plenty. No need, indeed. No need to have darkness in order to have light. No need for sadness in order to have joy. No need for fear in order to have safety. No need to have anger in order to have peace. No need to have hate so love can exist. Opposites do not have to exist. There need be no confrontations. There need not be broken hearts or any need for hearts to be mended. There is no need for need.

There is effluence. There is the bubbling of life. Blow bubbles. There is ebullience.

There is spirit, lighter than air. Now have lightness of love. What an ambrosia is love! It is the sweetness of flowers. It is the strength of steel. It is the beauty of Heaven. It is the herald of Heaven. It is the stars in the firmament. It is your nature.

Give in to love. Surrender resistance to love. Let love be your backbone. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Give love before others even think of it. Shake love like salt. To fill up on love, empty your heart first.

Be glad you are here. Be glad.

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A new song I give unto you:

Bless all, trust God, laugh much

It does not matter who or what you are; you will become that your deepest desire will direct you to.

Bless all, trust God, laugh much. (repeat as required)

In faith and full truth, laugh at loss, laugh at pain, laugh at all that is of any sense or perception of loss,

Bless all, trust God, laugh much. (repeat as required)

The world will change, becuase this is what you see. And you will change accordingly:

Bless all, trust God, laugh much. (repeat as required)


ha ha ha heeeee ho!
ha ha ha High ho
ha ha heeee how?
Father Christmas in the world,
Inner Christ reborn in us:

Bless all, trust God, laugh much. (repeat as required)


questions to ask

who can i love?
who can i hate?
who is the enemy?

Dearest Bernie, I believe

Dearest Bernie, I believe God would ask us only Whom can we love?

Of course, I realize that you have method in your madness, for the answer comes down to ourselves every time. I love myself etc. Is that what you meant, St. B.?

These other words don't have a high vibration. I know you have a very high vibration. Even seeing those words seems to pull me down.

Uh oh, now I'm a little nervous as to what you will reply. I also know that you will say exactly what you think.

Gloria Angel, I love you !

Gloria Angel,

I love you !

it did strike me too as a "strange" reply from Bernie...

much love dear

All is me and all is One - oh golly....

Lucifer would rise again
but needs to look at error
so they may all be undone.

Felicity with all of truth
changes me
from a slow seeker
to a happy learner.

Forgiveness for error
not understood
while being a slow learner
brings felicity as happiness
as wonderful companion.

Faithfulness to me,
to my very own feelings,
shows the way to inner truth:
where the road branched -
either into dead twigs-
or into golden light.

I can only hate myself.
I can only love myself.
The enemy?
have no idea.

All is me
and all is One
and all is love
I get it RIGHT!

Oh golly....
where are you to me in this?

In all that is One.


4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said where and when
There is the bubbling of life
Be glad you are here

God said surrender
Now have the lightness of love
It is your nature

God said believe Me
Attend to Me and yourself
This amounts to love

God said shake your hand
There is no other like you
Get to know yourself

Love, Light and Aloha!