Your Way

God said:

You will not always get your way. Concede once and for all that this is the case. You will not always get your way. Sometimes you may whether your way is better or not! It could happen that the whole world will bow down to you and say you are right, that your way is better than theirs, and that your way will become their way. Yet you must concede that this will not always happen. It would be a rare occurrence. Once you concede this, you may not get so upset the next time you are not so honored. No matter who you are, how wonderful you are, how right you are, concede this: You will not always get your own way.

Many times after the fact, you may be glad you didn't. Many times later, you see that it didn't make much or any difference in the first place. You held onto a particular concept when, as you were able to distance yourself, you saw that another concept served as well. And sometimes, you see it did made a big difference, and yet ultimately, was it really worth your rue and heart-stomping? Hardly.

Soon enough, this minor upheaval you are agitated about will be forgotten. It will go the way of all despair. You will not even be able to conjure up the predicament. It will have vanished. Gone. And isn't that a good thing!

You hold onto because you hold onto.

If you did not attach in the first place, you would not hold on so tight. In truth, you hold on to straws. Your idea is not a mighty engine you hold on to.

Absolve yourself of the discomfort that not having something the way you want engenders in you. Be better to yourself. Be kinder. Be less hard on yourself.

Not only will you not always get your way, you really don't have to. Give where you can give. Take a stand on what is of paramount importance, and forgo your position even when it is hard for you to. Everything is not of importance, beloveds. Sometimes you win the slots, and sometimes you don't. Don't cry over what is not in your hands to change.

Sometimes you feel you acquiesced too quickly and didn't hold firm when now you think you should have. Are you not hard to please? You can't even please yourself. How did you ever expect then that the world would satisfy you?

Be easier to please. Even if you are a vegetarian, and someone serves you eggs, be gracious and eat them. Do not turn your nose up at what life offers you. Even when you request one thing, and you get another, what cause is that to get upset? You can repeat your request without being upset about it.

Isn't it interesting how, if someone gives you the wrong change in your favor, you do not get upset. If you are given change for a hundred dollar bill when you gave a twenty, you are happy. When you tell the cashier their mistake, you are exultant, not irate. What prevents you from making all corrections in that same manner? Somewhere along the line you decided that upsets were supposed to upset you. Now decide that they aren't supposed to.

You could spend your life on upset. Some have. Upset has been a way of life for some. Upset is to them like red meat to the lion. They crave it. They find cause for it. They have aligned with upset instead of joy.

You have a choice. You cannot always get what you want, but you can choose joy instead of upset. Choose now.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for y ou

Hello Friends,

God said please yourSelf
Spend your life on joy instead
Change in your favor

Love, Light, and Aloha!