The Story of Life and Death

God said:

Suffering is your choice. It always was. The same events could have conspired, and you not have suffered. You can see that now. At the time, you didn't know you had choice. Now you can see that suffering was not necessary, not for naught, but non-essential. Suffering is a view of life.

Someone might say: "Sure, tell that to someone whose child is seriously ill etc."

No answer of Mine can satisfy when you look for an answer on the level you crave. There is no answer on that level. There are only words. When life is seen from a bigger vantage, however, suffering is not. Do not think that Christ suffered. He did not. The suffering of the body was apart from him. Bliss with Me is bliss with Me, and Christ had bliss. You can have it too. You might call it an altered state of awareness. I would call it simply awareness.

Then some would ask: "Well, how does one get to that state?"

One has to keep going, keep living. You already know there can be tears without suffering. It is the holding on that creates suffering. It is the resistance and defiance that cause the suffering. If all that befalls in truth has advantage, why suffer? What befalls is the advantage you're served but would not choose because you know so little and see only so far.

Sometimes life seriously gets your attention. The good thing even about suffering is that it makes you take a look at life and what it's about and what you are doing here. Of course, many avoid looking and turn suffering into something less than love, and so garner more suffering for themselves and others.

It is possible to say that at least your purpose in life is to help others escape suffering. The only way to do that is with love. Love is the solvent. Nothing else but love. Love is here in your heart. You would not even suffer unless there was love in your heart. Suffering shows a caring. We could say that suffering is thwarted love and residual petulance. Events, God, life itself, performed contrary to your desire, and you are bereft. You feel bereft of your love for Me, beloveds.

Sometimes you shake your fist at Me. How can a God do this? Or, at least, how can a God allow this? You are caught at the tail end of a dream state, beloveds. You are drugged on beliefs, convictions, interpretations, and, will you confess, pride in your suffering?

No one has suffered like you. Even those who have greater cause for suffering have not had your sensitivity. You find suffering hard to give up. It is hard to give up your hold on suffering.

When a loved one dies, it is said that it is My Will. Life of the body and life without the body are My Will. Evolution strides forward. That is My Will. Your suffering is not. Your taking the lay of the land personally is not. In the same physical body, no one lives forever. In My terms, everyone lives forever.

The baby plays peek-a-boo and takes delight that his loved one whose face is covered momentarily with a blanket appears once again and again. It is miraculous. And the young child covers his eyes, and he also appears again! What joy. And so the baby learns what you have not yet learned, that out of sight is not disappearance. It is just out of sight.

That is the story of life and death. Why pout? Why suffer for that which is done and yet not done. Would you hold back the very Sun and Moon that shine on you? You demand that life return to what it appeared to be. You want to grasp appearance and refute reality. The reality is love, beloveds, love undiminished. Keep your love, and let go of suffering.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said forever
Your reality is Love
That is in My terms

Love, Light, and Aloha!


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