The Key to the Kingdom

God said:

Why do you believe so much in separation? Why do you believe there are those who are in and those who are out? Do you really think that I exclude anyone or evict them? Or that My son Christ would?

Christ was an embrace. He was a consciousness. Consider him a portal of consciousness. In the world, you pass through that portal in order to reach Me. Christ was not a separator. He did not make anyone jump through hoops. He accepted you. Like Me, he saw the Truth of you.

Christ would hold no one back. He would not say, "You must say My name to enter." He would say: "Just pass through Me. I am easy of access. I require no performance from you. Just come."

Christ consciousness is to be availed of. It is not exclusive. By whatever name he is called, Christ is a state of awareness. Christ on Earth raised the consciousness of the world. His light on Earth still shines. He is available to all. He would give you his consciousness. Take it.

His consciousness is his consciousness. All the accoutrements are not his consciousness. His consciousness is not a ceremony. Ceremonies are lovely and are symbolic of what man aspires to. Religions exist to exalt man to his rightful place. But if there were no religions in the universe, God and Christ would still exist. Godness and Christness would still exist. Their existence is not dependent upon any beliefs. Hardly.

All activity on Earth is symbolic of a greater existence. You know you have an existence greater than the one you portray on Earth. Ceremonies would have you attend to a greater picture. Worship is not exclusive. Nor is Heaven.

If I am present everywhere, then where am I not? In which heart do I not beat? In which church am I not present? Am I more present in one than another? How could that be? How am I understood? And how am I misunderstood?

Nor would Christ keep anyone out from Heaven. He would not say: "You, come in. You over there stay out, for you did not do the right dance step."

Love of God and Christ is not stiffness. Love upholds nothing but love. And what was Christ but love? Come to Christ Consciousness. Come to love so embracing, so noble, so joyous that all are invited to it. There is no secret code. Love all-embracing is the entry ticket. If you do not have enough love, then Christ and I do. We have enough for all. It could not be otherwise.

Christ and I meld in you. As We are interpreted in the world, We are projections of your thought. But your thoughts do not create Us. We are before your thoughts and We are after them. We are beyond thought. We live in infinity, and so are you.

Do not put asunder that which is One. I have One Son, and his name is Christ. You are inexorably Mine. You might as well be Christness in your own eyes. Be the embodiment of such love. Follow Christ. Be like unto him. His arms are wide open as he welcomes all. He would usher you to Me. He would show you your seat. It is in Heaven.

Everyone is welcome. You are welcome. Step lightly. It is no big thing. It is expected. You are expected. There are no barriers to your entrance. There are no doors to clink shut. There are no keys. There is love. If there be a key, the key is love. Now I have given you knowledge of the key, and now it is yours.

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If there is a key, the key is Love.

"...Everyone is welcome. You are welcome. Step lightly. It is no big thing. It is expected. You are expected. There are no barriers to your entrance. There are no doors to clink shut. There are no keys. There is love. If there be a key, tBookmark and Shareelsehe key is love. Now I have given you knowledge of the key, and now it is yours."

Just love, only Love. All seeming else is chimera and distraction. Jim.

Just love, only love. ...

Just love, only love.

... love... softest love.... sweetest love.... every heartbeat sings the love of God, every breath is God's love...


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