Kingdom of Heaven
The Key to the Kingdom
Why do you believe so much in separation? Why do you believe there are those who are in and those who are out? Do you really think that I exclude anyone or evict them? Or that My son Christ would?
Christ was an embrace. He was a consciousness. Consider him a portal of consciousness. In the world, you pass through that portal in order to reach Me. Christ was not a separator. He did not make anyone jump through hoops. He accepted you. Like Me, he saw the Truth of you.
The King's Palace of Heaven
You are a light beam of My Being. There is no other explanation for you, beloveds. Without the light and love that are Mine (Ours), you would not exist. You would not know yourself to exist, that is. Now, here is where the words are tricky. You would not exist as a Human Being, though there never is a time that you ever did not exist, just as there will never be a time that you do not exist. You exist eternally. You only imagine there can be a time when you are not. Your imagination takes over, and you cannot tell Truth from fiction. You adhere to time and listen to the ticktock.
The Doorman of Heaven
Very little is asked of you. I never ask for much. And anything I ask of you is on your behalf. I bring you to Me, and I bring you as fast as I can. Your willingness to come with Me is the permission you give to Me to bring you. The more you step forward, the more you step forward.
Halfway measures lead you in the right direction, but sometimes there is a step you have to take. Sometimes one little step. When you are at the threshold of Heaven, you move yourself across. You must take that step in order to own it. The initiative is yours, not Mine.
The Threshold
My Beloveds, you stand at a gate and you hesitate to enter. What holds you back? It is old thoughts. What are fears but old thoughts coming back to roost? What you think is wisdom is often folly. Is it not folly to stand at My door and not come in? You have been invited. You have been urged. You have been sought. You have been beckoned. There is only one direction to go in, but you stand and wait before you take another step.
Fear freezes you.
Let My love unfreeze you.
Wanting a North Star
Do you think I flatter you when I exclaim that you are My marvelous light? Do you think there is something I am looking to gain from you for Myself? Do you think I am looking for fans so that I may be fanned by large numbers? Do you think I ooh and ah over the numbers, as if you were the till at the end of the business day? Do you think I am looking for you to be an admirer, a devotee perhaps, or a toady? Do you think I need strokes from you, or some kind of daily pittance to appease Me? Do you think I want you to throw Me a few bones to escape My wrath?