The Host of the Universe

God said:

If I called your name and you were to come before Me, and I asked you how you are doing, what would you say to Me? I doubt that you would tell me your complaints. Of course, I realize that you might be speechless. Being speechless can be a good thing. Be speechless often.

Imagine that We sit knee to knee. It is your turn to speak. What words would fall from your lips?

I know that you would tell Me about all your blessings and all the gratitude you feel in your heart. Will you please start preparing yourself for Our face-to-face meeting? Let such words be the content of your thoughts all the time.

You will be called into a room, even though rooms do not exist in Heaven, so you will be asked to enter My Presence formally. We will sit together and you will reveal your heart to Me, even though I already know your heart backwards and forwards. It is you who has to tell Me all that you bring with you.

You will bring beauty. You will bring love. I do believe that you will have left everything else behind. You will have walked away from it. After all, beloveds, what else is there that you would carry into My Presence?

I am sure you would not bring toil and trouble. I am sure you would not. You wouldn't if you could, for you will have forgotten about all that sort of thing when you sit before Me anyway.

To be speechless would not be a bad thing. We could talk in beautiful silence. There really may be no need for words. Perhaps We could really just hold hands, and every understanding would pass between Us. Silence would be enough. Our hearts would be full.

Even understanding would not exist because what would there be to understand? It would be enough that We love. It would be enough to sink into Our Oneness. Oh, how complete you will feel!

Will you feel that Wholeness right now? Why not? You do realize that you are already in My Presence, don't you? What is it that really is different between Our being together now and Our getting together later? I am always the same, so it must be you that varies.

Perhaps you are one way when you are getting ready for a party, and at the party you are another way. Perhaps at the party you are your best self. It takes no effort. You are having a good time. Having a good time just means letting go of effort and strain. Beloveds, If you can be your best self at a party, why not be your best self now? Your best self is at ease, beloveds. Be at ease. You are with Me now.

Imagine that We are at a party, and We walk around the appetizer table together. How you would smile at Me! How happy you would be. How gracious. All the treats you would choose for Me to taste! Even if you were a guest at the party, you would be a host.

Perhaps that is the recipe for relaxation, to realize that the party has already started, and you are a kind and generous host.

Even in My Presence, you would be the host. I am the Host of the Universe, and you would host Me. You would not be thinking of yourself. You would be thinking of making Me happy and comfortable.

Now I ask you to think of making yourself happy and comfortable. Be a gracious host to yourself. Act in My place. I beseech you to know all I know about maintaining a Universe and all those who dance upon it with you and with Me. How about it? Will you be My right arm today?

Will you be a host to all the guests who live on Earth? Will you be an usher who brings everyone to a front-row seat in My Kingdom?

Read Comments

What is it that really is different...?

What is it that really is different between Our being together now and Our getting together later?

Wow, this is a fantastic question, You know. I don't know the answer.

But if You called my name and I were to come before You, I don't think You would ask me anything. If I could see You now, I would probably clap my hands once, perhaps weep a little, perhaps laugh a little, perhaps much. Speechless, yes. What could there be to say? I wouldn't know the words for it, and if I knew the words I wouldn't know what they are standing for, I wouldn't want to know, I wouldn't be interested. Love? Oneness? God? I would lie in Your arm, and We would watch the clouds, and later, since You like the image, We would walk into the sunset together (after attending the party, of course).

No, I don't know what the difference really is. When it actually comes to pass, perhaps it won't be quite as tear-inducing as this fantasy is. Is it a fantasy?

Jochen says it the way I'd like to

Jochen asks: " Is it a fantasy?"

Good question from a fantastic fantasy person. We live and move and have our being in HIM.

So we play Jack and the beanstalk and think we caught on.

Perhaps tomorrow we'll understand. Jachen seem to know the precious secret. I think he really does.

George glad for the bifocals

more glorious images

More glorious images of a beautiful party, see you there!/ here.
speechless and smiling from ear to ear ! Nancy

Another deep one, from the DEEP ONE

This needs to be read a few times to catch the undercurrent of love pulling like and undertow trying to drag us into deep water.

This is deep, profound and worth a lot of comments. i can hardly wait.

George without his snorkel for heaven's sake!

Wow. Wow. Gloria, yes.

Wow. Wow.
Gloria, yes.

Yes, I want

Yes, I want

A loving nudge

Are we being gently prodded here?

If we follow the suggestion and imagine a face to face encounter with the Source of all Love, we know we would do our absolute best, be our absolute best, out of respect, appreciation and reverence for our Creator. I see this as a subtle nudge to change our habitual view of things by imagining this “fantasy” encounter.

Then comes the question that Jochen highlighted: “What is it that is really different from Our being together now and Our getting together later?” I see this as a loving statement of our lack of awareness. We can imagine such a meeting, but why would our imagining be necessary if what we are being asked to imagine is already the Truth of our existence, the Truth of the intimate embrace or our Creator in every moment of our existence?

Fantasizing about reality…….Chuck

Fantasizing obout reality,

Oh, common now Chuck, you give away the game when you ask: "...but why would our imagining be necessary if what we are being asked to imagine is already the Truth of our existence..." You have been on God's hay ride for a long time. You don't fool me for one second. Light flows out of every word, and even the punctuation! Thanks sweet friend

George standing in line for another ticket

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said choose for Me
Can you be your best Self now
And act in My place

Love, Light and Aloha!

Sweet Hull Hoop

Such a short word to carry such a long, long message. Do you know how you bless us?

George wiping his forehead