The Most Beautiful Wholeness You Can Imagine
I am your good right arm. I am your Assistant. I assist you. You assist Me. We reciprocate right and left. We are so One that it is hard to know where you begin and I leave off.
Of course, I never leave off. I AM always. And here's the wonderful thing: You are too.
Beyond Earth's Horizon
Here I am, right here, looking into your eyes and you see Me not. I lift up your eyelids, and I peer into your eyes, and you see Me not. I enter your eyes and go inside them. I give you My eyes to look through, and you see Me not. See Me now.
All right then, trust in that which you do not see. Believe in Me. If you cannot believe in Me, believe in what I say to you. I say what I say with all the love in My heart and the Universe. Have even the tiniest bit of belief in what I speak to you of. I speak to you of all that is.
The Host of the Universe
If I called your name and you were to come before Me, and I asked you how you are doing, what would you say to Me? I doubt that you would tell me your complaints. Of course, I realize that you might be speechless. Being speechless can be a good thing. Be speechless often.
Imagine that We sit knee to knee. It is your turn to speak. What words would fall from your lips?
The Far Reaches of Your Life
When I say that each one of you on Earth is indispensable, you find that hard to believe. But it is true. Each of you fills a place in the weave of the world. I did put you where you are. It was not a flip of the coin. I chose you to do something for Me. You were needed in the spot you are. And now you can make something of it. You can just fill space or you can enliven the space you fill. The point is that I picked you for something important that only you can fulfill.
To What Can Wholeness Attach?
When you feel in the grips of something, in the grips of pain, perhaps, or in the grips of fear, or even in the grips of love, you have propelled yourself there and gripped that place, that occasion, that person. You attached yourself there. How crass of Me to say you are attached to even your pain, but attachment is its own pain. Attachment is false. Attachment is a conception you have, and — listen to this — it is never based on truth.
Attaching is its own art. You are skilled. You insert yourself. You embed yourself. You hold on for dear life.
How It Is in Heaven
There is no one holier than another. There are those who create more harmony than others. There are those easier to work with. There are those who help others and do not hinder. Yet there is no holy of the holies. There is no holier than thou.
Dance of the Universe
There is not one thing in your life that is not interconnected with another. Nothing is disconnected. You simply do not see the interwoven threads. You see events and people as separate strings when not even one string is separate. You simply do not see the weaving of the threads of life. You see the tips of the threads. Every once in a while you may see a few threads looped together.
There is not a sight you see, a thought you have, a deed you do that is not pulled tight. There is no loose weaving. There are no loose ends.
The Author of Freedom
Unfurrow your brow. You are looking too closely at something when you frown. Stand back and look at a greater horizon. Why frown when you can love instead? The vantage you come from depends upon you, not where your feet happen to be. What you see depends upon the view-finder you set up and look through.