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Sorry, no log out

Dear Santhan, a funny thing I'm getting for the last few days is that I can't log out. Access to everything on the site works just wonderfully but if I want to go, it says

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare timer_start() in /home/mojah/domains/ on line 116

Am I locked in?

Okay, after "Empty cache"

Okay, after "Empty cache" I'm allowed to go. Perhaps that's deeply symbolical.....

Maybe everything

Maybe everything is symbolic. dear friend! This is really an interesting one.

I seem to never think of logging out.

However, I do sometimes get that message or a similar one, and F5 works all the time.

Hmmm, what is the symbolism of F5?!!!!


Wait, wait. After using F5 I'm (grumblingly) allowed to go. And where do I end up? On a page that says (don't remember the exact wording): "You are not authorized to enter this page." It's an empty page. Talk about symbolism.

Can it be that my computer

Can it be that my computer hassles are contagious and they have been passed on to you!

Does it mean I am done with them?!!!

Perhaps the lesson is for me, and leave computer advice to those who really do know what they're doing.

Seriously, my advice would be to try again.

Loving you,


Yep. Seems I didn't tell you

Yep. Seems I didn't tell you my stage name. Title of a famous film but not suitable here.

Dear Jochen, I am enjoying

Dear Jochen,

I am enjoying you and Gloria deciphering the symbolism behind the website errors! Maybe we'll leave these occasional errors as part of the site design!

I am aware of the "fatal error" bug. It's a matter of getting a new server account which is scheduled for June just about when Heaven will be seeing exponential growth.

We presently have the mailer software and this website software along with a few other sites running on the same server. The mailer software conflicts with the website software, hence the error.

Due to budget issues, we have studied how to make maximum use of the resources we have available and still leave room for a sudden burst in visitors. This is great on many levels. We use less resources (electricity, hardware, storage space etc.) and it allows us to grow according to what is required.

We move in sync to a Divine plan, yes? In that is our freedom.

In sync

Oh, definitely, dear Santhan, definitely, definitely! Personally, I don't mind those little bugs at all. They are here today and gone tomorrow. And aren't they just cute? Yes, do leave some of them.

Exponential growth of Heaven sounds fascinating.

And it's sure good to know that, thanks to Santhan, resources are used wisely.

Thank God for Santhan.

Thank God for Santhan. Santhan definitely uses resources wisely. He is always thinking of the big picture and what is good for the world, while I, sorry to say, spend as much energy on my personal computer difficulties.

Exponential growth! It seems to me that that's what has been happening!