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Numbers of translated Heavenletters

Love and light to every soul out there, and thank you for charing your and God´s energies!

Our German translator circle has made up a "gentleman´s agreement". Theophil translates the even numbers, Stefan, as in the past (few weeks) the uneven, and I would like to walk right into the past and take care for the older numbers.

Now I found out this is a bit complicated because they are sort of mixed up. I am not sure whether I can find out which number has already been translated without making my own list. Does not sound so very inviting to count through over 2 and a half thousand wonderful Heavenletters....

I would be very glad to get a little help of my friends....

Lynn Claudia

Beloved Lynn, how

Beloved Lynn, how beautifully and simply you, Stefan, and Theophil, have worked a very clear way to share the translations! May everyone in the world work out things so harmoniously.

Lynn, if everyone who has translated posts their translations on the forum, they should all be there!

Heaven Admin may have other recommendations as well.

This reminds me to remind all translators to be sure to post their translations. This is another good reason to do this.

T can't swear to it, Lynn, but I think the early early Heavenletters that weren't even numbered haven't been done.

At the rate translators are going, it won't be too long before we are all caught up, and then you three, for instance, will have a Heavenletter to translate only every third day!

God bless you all.

With love and blessings,


Dear Claudia, several days

Dear Claudia,

several days ago I felt like translating a Heavenletter because I wanted my wife (whose English is not so good) to have it. Of course, I also contemplated posting my translation but, like you, didn't now whether it already was translated and posted or not. So I entered the number in the search box in the top right corner and what came up was Paula's Italian translation, a Dutch one and some comments. Perhaps this works for you too until maybe one day we have a second list of translations that ist sorted by numbers.

Hope this helps a little.

An addendum since in the

An addendum since in the meantime you have posted your translation of Heavenletter #1. There is an earlier translation by trueimage but it would be very hard to find indeed since it was posted as "HL 1".

You can find it here:

Dear Jochen, it would be so

Dear Jochen, it would be so wonderful to have you translate when so moved. Heaven Admin will know how to solve this.

All love, Gloria

Oh, dear friend, did

Oh, dear friend,

did HeavenAdmin forget, that he knows how to solve this request?

Another forgetter, Theophil

Beloveds, my question would

Beloveds, my question would be: Which is the better translation?

Theophil and Jochen, will you tell us your opinions?

Friends, dear friends, I

Friends, dear friends,

I thought I knew what we were talking about here. How to know which Heavenletter has already been translated into which language. Or have I lost you there? It's really not complicated, even without Santhan, our dearest Heaven Admin., inventing new technical solutions. Should I explain in detail or is this discussion about something else?

Yes, dear friends, there is

Yes, dear friends,
there is no question of 'who translates better than another one?'

What we, Claudia, Jochen and Theophil, want to know, is ... Is it possible to extract a list of heavenletters numbers already translated into German? Can this be done by the administrators of the website?
Sometimes the possible things are the not yet improveable things,

Beloved Theophil, we will

Beloved Theophil, we will find out.

Meanwhile, Ideally, all the translations would be posted on the forum.

My question is: Why have two German translations of the same Heavenletter? Let's keep one.
Which one do you suggest?

Thank you so much for caring. It is a wonderful thing, your taking care of Heavenletters.

God bless you.

With love,


Oh, dear Gloria, now I got

Oh, dear Gloria, now I got it:

It is about #1.

I will compare the two, in the next days. Perhaps mixing some things from the two together? Perhaps not.

- - -

The practice, shown by Jochen, is satisfying enough.

Be blessed, Theophil

Dear Theophil, I don't think

Dear Theophil,

I don't think it's possible to have that list at present, but with any specific Heavenletter it's easy to find out whether there already is a translation or not. Let us say you feel inspired to translate Heaven #2125, The Grass That You Mow Now, of August 31, 2006. If you enter 2125 in the blue search box in the top right corner, the results show that there is just Vanya's Bulgarian Translation.

If you want to know whether there is a German translation of Heaven #2527, How to Love Life, then using the same method you will see that there is a Spanisch, a Turkisch, an Italian and a German translation extant.

If you choose a Heavenletter that is not yet published on this site but only on , you can be fairly sure there is no translation as yet. But check it nevertheless.

just to let you know

Dear all,
just to let you know that even if it shows that there is not yet a german translation on the website of a specific Heavenletter nr- might also mean that it is translated and waiting to be posted in the appropriate email's inbox - not as yet posted on the site.
I am not sure as to tell which ones have been translated or not?..
I think Heaven admin's advice is needed here...
Organic love,