Having trouble receiving my 'HeavenLetters'
To anyone who can help me:
I am a subscriber/member to HeavenLetters....LOVE reading them! However, in the past couple weeks, I am NOT receiving them at all. Sent an e-mail through the website and got a reply back telling me how to re-subscribe; however, whenever I have tried to re-subscribe, I'm getting a message on a webpage which states:
*Your subscription failed. You are already a member of the mail list. To update your subscriptions and account information, click here login to your account area.*
When I follow those instructions, I get the same message all over again......can anyone help me so I can start receiving my HeavenLetters once again?
About 3-4 weeks ago, I was out of town and my e-mail box completely filled up and I was unable to receive ANY e-mails until I deleted a bunch of stuff....could THAT have caused the problem with my HeavenLetters? Just wondering.
Please help me and if possible, reply to me at'Pisces34 [at] aol [dot] com'.
Thank you!
Gina, in West Virginia
Oh, Pisces. We're so sorry.
Oh, Pisces. We're so sorry. We never want this to happen.
I'll go to the data base right now and see what's going on and get back to you.
Thank you for letting us know. We have no way to know unless you tell us, angel.
God bless you.
With love,
Beloved Gina, I found you in
Beloved Gina,
I found you in the data base. It says you are subscribed and active. It also says you are permanently bounced! This means that at least five Heavenletters we sent you were bounced back.
I changed that setting to Not Bounced.
I notice you are AOL. Sorry to say we had a lot of difficulty with AOL in the past. It sounds like AOL is considering us Spam. Is there something you can do at your end about this, dear?
Please see what happens tomorrow and let us know yes or no, will you?
If you do receive tomorrow, I will draw a breath of relief. If you don't receive, then we'll see what Heaven Admin can do.
Gina -- and everyone -- when you don't receive a Heavenletter, tell us right away. Please don't wait. We very much want you to receive Heavenletters. That's what we're here for.
Dear Gloria, I haven't been
Dear Gloria,
I haven't been on the computer much lately, so I just now got to read your post, and sadly to say, i have not yet received any 'HeavenLetters'.....I did add the HeavenLetters e-mail address to my address book on AOL, so I'm hoping that may help some...could you please try to send me the current HeavenLetter to see what happens? Also, I'm going to try to re-subscribe once again through the site and see if that helps anything.
Thank you so much,
Gina in West Virginia
Beloved Gina, it's the same
Beloved Gina, it's the same story, beloved. AOL is blocking you from receiving Heavenletters.
We so want you to receive. It breaks my heart.
Would you consider opening another account, like hotmail.com or yahoo.com or gmail.com
I will forward this to Heaven tech angel yet past experience tells me you have to do something at your end.
Please stay tuned here, angel.
Dear Gina! I've reset your
Dear Gina!
I've reset your account to subscribed and active. See if you receive tomorrow and post back here. If nothing comes through, then it has to be an AOL issue.
Perhaps sign up for a Gmail account here: http://mail.google.com/ Your inbox will probably never get full with Gmail. They provide about 5gigs of storage space and their webmail system is great. Gmail is free.
Oceans of Love
Missing my inspirational Heavenletters
My Heavenletters simply stopped arriving. Have always been on my 'safe senders list'.
Try to resubscribe, similar problem to Gina's.
I look forward to rejoining the heavenly fold.
With love from glorious autumn in Canberra,
Australian Capital Territory
Beloved Michele, we never
Beloved Michele, we never ever want this to happen. Thank you so much for telling us.
Immediately, I went to the data base where it said you were permanently bounced.
I don't know why. I do know that the program is set so if a Heavenletter is bounced five times, the program stops sending.
I reinstated you, dear one. It's too late for today, so I will personally send you today's Heavenletter.
Will you please post tomorrow that you did or did not receive the automated Heavenletter?
If you do start receiving and then a day comes again when you don't, please post immediately, okay?
You might want to check your junk mail just in case. If you can talk to your service provider, it could be something they're doing, dear Michele and you can get them to stop doing it.
We want you to receive Heavenletters!
God bless you.
With love,