
God said:

Receiving joy and giving joy are not much different. Either way, joy is emanated. When you receive joy, you radiate it. When you give joy, you radiate it. Be a receiver of joy in the universe, and you will be a full-fledged giver of it.

So be a seeker of joy. Look for it around every corner. It is a fruitful thing to have joy on your mind, for soon it will enter your heart.

Make joy your prey. Admit it: you are hungry for joy.

Be a bounty hunter of joy. If joy has bailed out on you, go on its trail and bring it back.

Do not think that joy is dependent upon what others give to you. You will get it from others, but you don't sit around waiting for joy to be delivered. Get a sense for joy. It may be lying in waiting for you. Mosey around for joy and whistle for it.

In his search for joy, a hunter stirs it up. When you are on the track of joy, it sneaks up behind you and follows you! You are on the scent of joy right now. Look around.

Spirituality is joy. What did you think it was? Joy and spirit are synonymous. Joy is spirited.

Love and joy are inseparable, as inseparable as you and I. You are My joy, and I would be yours. Participate in My joy, and you would know Me as yourself.

A rose is a rose, and a budding rose is still a rose.

A Child of God rises to Godness. What can you do but rise?

A rose needs no instruction on how to blossom. It is a rose's joy to do so. Its whole purpose is to grow. A rose is not distracted by thoughts of what it was or might be. And yet it will become a rose in bloom. That is the rose's destiny. A rose can only be a rose no matter what stage of development it is in. A budding rose is no less a rose. A rose's joy is in being a rose. A rose may take cognizance of what is around it, but a rose knows that its growth is independent of the other flowers that bloom near it.

Even when a rose is picked, it is happy. Roses do not conceive of loss; therefore, they do not mourn. It is not that they choose joy over sorrow. Nothing else but joy exists for a rose, be the rose flowering or dormant.

A rose knows that the Sun exists for it and everyone. Certainly, the Sun that shines exists for you as well as the rose. Who cannot be in joy when it knows that the Sun shines for him and therefore for all, for rose and dandelion and Human Being alike.

Joy is not restrictive. Joy is not rationed. It is not held back. It is not hidden. Perhaps you have been in hiding from joy. Come out then.

Joy, like the Sun, shines for all. No exceptions. Do not except yourself.

Joy is your due as well as your duty. Joy is what you are here on earth for. You are the finder of joy. Being the finder of joy makes you the maker. You might as well be a proponent of joy. Notice joy as it falls to you. It falls from Heaven for you. You need only pick it up as you would a beautiful rose on the wayside.

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Spirituality is joy. What did you think it was? Joy and spirit are synonymous. Joy is spirited.

Thank You. I can't hear this often enough.

But to answer, I thought it was what they made it look like, something more akin to grinding your teeth.

And how beautiful:

Even when a rose is picked, it is happy. Roses do not conceive of loss; therefore, they do not mourn. It is not that they choose joy over sorrow. Nothing else but joy exists for a rose, be the rose flowering or dormant.

Spirituality is joy. What

Spirituality is joy. What did you think it was? Joy and spirit are synonymous. Joy is spirited.



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