spirituality and joy

Where Joy Grows

God said:

Beloveds, will you choose happiness today and in so doing extend your happiness? Your happiness goes so far as to reach Me. It overjoys Me, your happiness. It makes a wide grin on My face, as it were.

I would you to be happy. I would you to take joy in life in general and yours in particular.


God said:

Receiving joy and giving joy are not much different. Either way, joy is emanated. When you receive joy, you radiate it. When you give joy, you radiate it. Be a receiver of joy in the universe, and you will be a full-fledged giver of it.

So be a seeker of joy. Look for it around every corner. It is a fruitful thing to have joy on your mind, for soon it will enter your heart.

Make joy your prey. Admit it: you are hungry for joy.

Be a bounty hunter of joy. If joy has bailed out on you, go on its trail and bring it back.

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