Here are comments from Heavenreaders about Heavenletters...
"Heavenletters very useful, bring peace, make thoughts better, positive, make me feel better."
Elizabeth Cusova, Heaven's Russian Translator, Moldova
Elizabeth Cusova, Heaven's Russian Translator, Moldova
Heavenletters™ help me to trust. They elicit a 'Yes, that's it!', they melt my heart, and they bowl me over with their love, incisiveness and wit. They remind me of the story of the great Tao fighters who can effortlessly disrobe you with one deft swish of a blade. At the end of a Heavenletter, my ego lies crumpled at my feet, and I'm swooning for more.
Sarita Premley, Spiritual Coach and Therapist, United Kindgom
I agree that God is ineffable. I think it is important that the people you work with have that sense too. I use the words 'conscious,' 'loving', 'intelligent' and 'energy' to describe the indescribable…I read Heaven Letters each morning, and I forward them to physicians and friends. Heaven Letters pays attention to the word of God we are all meant to listen to.
P.S. God says you are making Her too busy with all the calls. I reminded Her that every seventh day She does not have to answer the phone.
I would like to thank Gloria and Anita Manasse for the oportunity to translate these letters into Spanish. Having done that for some time, I feel as if the essence of them has sunk deeply into my very being. Heaven Letters represent a wonderful way to connect with the source of it all. God - Love. This letters change the way we have been "trained" to perceive God, ourselves, and the world around us. We should take these letters and read them/hand them out to people who are feeling poorly, wherever they are. The comments of other readers have been most inspiring and touching. Let us share them as rose petals that keep comming from our hearts.
Thank-you for sharing the same passion.
Mar y Luz
Maria-luz Martin - Translator - Madrid - Spain
I stumbled upon HeavenLetters through a poster at my local organic market
(MOM's) I went to the web site as soon as I could, and, immediately, God's
Words spoke to me with an overwhelming sense of comfort I just had to sign
up to receive them daily.
Sheryl Morris, Maryland
Un grand, un immense merci pour la merveilleuse histoire des Heavenletters.Je souhaitais vous demander le pourquoi du comment de ces superbes messages.Quelle merveille car tout devient beaucoup plus clair à présent. Quel bonheur de pouvoir partager de telles nouvelles. Merci du fond du coeur. Amour, Paix, Joie et Harmonie.
A big, an immense thank for the wonderful story of Heavenletters ( I was hoping to ask you the why of the how of these superb messages. How wonderful because everything becomes much clearer now. What happiness to be able to share such news. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Love, Peace and Harmony.
Claudine Rolland, France
I started to read Heavenletters about two weeks ago. I have come to rely on God’s words for guidance, comfort, and support. My husband and I wish to return some of that wonderful energy to you.
I am deeply connected with Prime Creator, and I talk daily with Him, but, for two years now, I have been reading Heavenletters. They are so lovely and wonderful to read and so full of wisdom. I publish Heavenletters in both German and English.
Heavenletters™ are so heartwarming, exciting, encouraging... What loveliness and hope found in these lines. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ces "Lettres du Ciel" sont si réconfortantes, enthousiasmantes, encourageantes... Que de beauté et d'espoir contenus dans ces lignes. Merci, merci, merci.
Olga Proniewski, France
Olga Proniewski, France
I adore the Heavenletters. It is amazing how God or the Universe or my own higher self shows us what to do (when we have time to listen.....)
Big hugs
Ingrid Kauderer, Switzerland
Ingrid Kauderer, Switzerland
The Letters from God have helped me to come closer to God. God was always soooo far away, so far that I could not reach Him. But, now, he is everywhere and can be reached from every place. My Joy is endless. Gloria, I would also like to thank your mother and father for bringing you into the world so you can write Heavenletters and so we can connect with the beautiful Love of God that warms our hearts and souls make us cry and rejoice.
Marija McAllister, Croatia
Gloria, I think Heavenletters are wonderful, and I can't thank you enough for sharing with us these valuable messages straight from Source. It seems that whenever I desperately need a shot of encouragement or wisdom, a Heavenletter arrives in my email box with exactly what I need to know. That is no coincidence; just a reminder that I'm never alone and always loved. Also, I really enjoyed reading about your personal spiritual journey. What an inspiring story! I've included Heavenletters as a resource on my website. Thanks again for all you do!
Dear God, I am grateful for Heavenletters. They do more than answer questions. They make me feel connected, loved, and cared for. They give me a sense of rightness. I love You. I am forever grateful. Your daughter,
I’m starting to see Heavenletters™ as a daily message from God that reveals to me exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it. This is such an amazing thing – the greatness of it is truly unfathomable. My mind can’t grasp the awesomeness of it. Peace and love.
David O’Neil, Lover of God, North Carolina
C’est par hasard, si ce dernier existe, que j’ai découvert les Heavenletters. Dans les années ’70, j’avais un professeur d’anthropologie à Montréal. Après quarante ans, j’ai redécouvert mon professeur sur Facebook et je lui ai écrit! Il traduit maintenant les Heavenletters en français, qui est ma langue maternelle. Il m’a envoyé par courriel la Heavenletter #3962 intitulée “De plein gré ou à contrecoeur”: Cette première lettre que j’ai lue m’a fait prendre conscience que nous avons tous le pouvoir et la responsabilité d'améliorer notre vie. Nous ne devons pas attendre que les autres changent selon nos propres attentes envers eux. Nous sommes tous unis ...nous sommes Un avec Dieu et l'Univers. Heavenletters m'a remis sur le chemin de la lumière... Merci et merci encore !
André Normandeau, professeur de musique, Montréal
It is by chance, if there is such a thing, that I discovered Heavenletters. In the 70’s, I had an anthropology teacher in Montreal. After forty years, I discovered my teacher on Facebook and wrote to him! He now translates Heavenletters into French, my native tongue. He sent me Heavenletter #3962, Willingly or Unwillingly:
This first Heavenletter made me realize that we all have the power and the responsibility to improve our lives. We cannot wait for others to change according to what we are expecting from them. We are all connected...we are One with God and the Universe. I am now back on the path of light. Thanks and thanks again.
André Normandeau, Music Teacher, Montréal.
A friend posted Heavenletters on my group page on Facebook, and I was immediately captivated. Every word is a delicious treat, a precious gift. I literally breathe the words in as I read them to absorb them into my mind,body, and Spirit. The Voice of God is clearly speaking in a very loving and personal way through Heavenletters. Now is the perfect time for these words and ideas to pour into our planet. We are in the midst of great transformation in which the lines between heaven and earth are fading away for us all. I soak in the beautiful words of Heavenletters and peace, joy, and love settle into my heart and soul.
With Gratitude, Love, and Light
Elizabeth Anne Hill, California
I know Heavenletters™ are making a difference in our world. How could it not be so when these beautiful Divine messages come with such a free spirit!
Doris Boyle, Montana,
Heavenletters are full of God’s wisdom and love. They nourish and enrich the love inside my heart and bring endless joy, peace and happiness into my life.
I am so touched by God's words. Thank you all for your work! May I join the Chinese translation team?
Leann Suiyier, Software Engineer, Colorado (originally from China)
How much I enjoy and look forward to receiving my Heavenletter from God each day.
Martha Rutherford, United States :-) :-) smile today!
Thank you for these lovely letters - I get great joy and upliftment reading them.
I read Heavenletter #4258, The Bread Cast upon the Waters, with deep relief. Usually I feel a burden when someone tells me I am responsible. But for some reason I was able to expand to the Universal as I read this. I knew that, by becoming God, everything is done.
I am from CHINA BEIJING, I love Heavenletters. Sometimes I translate Heavenletters into Chinese and set them online. These messages are wonderful and popular for Chinese, so I wish to be a China Volunteer to translate Heavenletters into Chinese and benefit more Chinese people.
JIA Yingxuan, University Lecturer, Beijing Jianotong University
I fell in love with Heavenletters and translate them into Chinese. I'm happy to share the love from Heavenletters with people who understand only Chinese. I greatly appreciate God's love to everyone. Thank you.
Deo gratias!
Xiyangyang, China
Bernie Siegel, M.D., introduced me to God's letters this week (June 2012). We have been
working on his next book together, The Art of Healing. One of the things I love about working with Bernie is that he works from the heart, and he follows his instincts. His instinct to share daily Heaven letters came at a time when I was grieving the change in a relationship and was trying to accept it with grace. Each day, God's letter says exactly what I need to hear.
Today I watched your interview video, and I was struck with God's message (from the intro to your book) that the words are extraneous - just be with Him – was all we needed to know. I'm crying as I write this because this is the message my heart has said, over and over again. These tears are joy tears, not sadness. Confirmation is a wonderful feeling.
I'm not sure why I wrote, except perhaps to say thank you for your faith to sit and be with God every day and do what you do. Heavenletters™ are powerful, moving, loving and truly of-God. I see why Bernie was happy to write the forward to your book.
In yesterday's letter, I loved the line: “What if your heart is a bridge so
that others can cross any distance?”
This really brings home to me the lesson of responsibility we all have to shine, not only for ourselves, but for each other. Light is meant to be a community of energy, not a solitary spark that fizzles and dies.
Bless you and may your life continue to shine from within.
Cindy Hurns, Washington, Freelance Writer, Co-Author, No Buddy Left Behind: Bringing U.S. Troops' Dogs and Cats Safely Home from the Combat Zone;
Cindy Hurns, Freelance Writer, Co-Author - Washington, US
These letters are Awesome!
Best regards,
Dick Kane, New Hampshire, U.S.
This letter is so fitting and cuts right to why I've been pacing the floor for an hour. Incredible. I mean, incredible. It's just that I'm astounded always at how spot-on this and the sole purpose the letters are.
Daniel Gaughan, Nevada
Daniel Gaughan, Nevada
I thank Heavenletters for reconnecting me with God's Love, or what I am.
Allan J. Fox, New Jersey
Allan J. Fox, New Jersey
I was disconnected from the internet for technical reasons, but today, re-reading the letters of the days when I was not connected, I was excited for the best gift I could wish for! It’s a boost to be totally united to God. We are in God as God is in us, ONE absolute, unconditional Love and Infinite Light. Heavenletters are the Divine expression of Love unconditional and light the path. Namasté.
Anna Maria, Plejades, Italy
Anna Maria, Plejades, Italy
I heard about Heavenletters through Dr. Bernie Siegel who reads and forwards them to physicians and friends. I read them daily, and find them truly inspirational. I am honored and pleased to include and recommend Heavenletters and Godwriting in my book. Gloria eloquently reminds us of our oneness with God and how accessible God is.
Dean Shrock, Ph.D., Author, Why Love Heals
"I love Heavenletters! The one today stayed with me all day. I returned to think about it a lot more. Beautiful gift."
"Sure, all of the Heavenletters are beautiful, yet sometimes I find a message so compatible with my experiences that, at those times, my gratitude is overwhelming. I hope that one day I can host you in my country."
Heavenletters immediately touched me profoundly. They are amazing. I am so grateful that they exist. Thank you.
Claire Stricker, Netherlands
Glory, I thank God for Heavenletters™. Today I was talking to my wife about Heavenletters, and for the first time it was difficult for me to find words to express my real feelings in relation to this discovery. Of course: «seek and you will find»
Of course, in Angola we speak Portuguese, and I thank God for the gift of languages given by God.
Timoteo Arao, Linguist, Theologian, Angola
I'm surprised that I’m the first subscriber from Vietnam. This must be a remarkable memory for me!
I read Your Spiritual Journey frequently and thanks to today’s writing that I can meet Heavenletters. Thanks for your/your team nice works.
Tuyen Duong, Vietnam
Tuyen Duong, Vietnam
I am honored that I can receive this treasured guidance. What a gift.
Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
Thank you and thank God for these wonderful, inspiring and always right on the money letters. I love the HLs and admire your ability to tune-in so well and so often. Heavenletters are like a drop of golden elixir to my heart and soul. I am grateful that many are receiving the opportunity to enjoy them as well. My blessings and wishes that Heavenletters may fly far and wide into the hearts, minds and souls of all of our brothers and sisters. I'll be making a donation shortly.
Darryl Schoenstadt, Arizona
Darryl Schoenstadt, Arizona
Heavenletters, thank you very much! Is there something I can do to help you? May Divine Presence/God/Great Spirit/Divine Spirit Guide & Sustain You in Helping Others around the World.
Buster Anderson, Advocate, Canada
Buster Anderson, Advocate, Canada
I sent money to show my appreciation for your service and the energy you put into this positive. My heart's desire is to walk the steps of Knowledge. In the Light of Creator, I give my thanks for your Being in this time of transition. Salu!
Christer Rudd, Norway
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!
"Heavenletters very useful, bring peace, make thoughts better, positive, make me feel better."
Elizabeth Cusova, Heaven's Russian Translator, Moldova
Heavenletters™ help me to trust. They elicit a 'Yes, that's it!', they melt my heart, and they bowl me over with their love, incisiveness and wit. They remind me of the story of the great Tao fighters who can effortlessly disrobe you with one deft swish of a blade. At the end of a Heavenletter, my ego lies crumpled at my feet, and I'm swooning for more.
I agree that God is ineffable. I think it is important that the people you work with have that sense too. I use the words 'conscious,' 'loving', 'intelligent' and 'energy' to describe the indescribable…I read Heaven Letters each morning, and I forward them to physicians and friends. Heaven Letters pays attention to the word of God we are all meant to listen to.
P.S. God says you are making Her too busy with all the calls. I reminded Her that every seventh day She does not have to answer the phone.
Bernie can be found on the web here:
I would like to thank Gloria and Anita Manasse for the oportunity to translate these letters into Spanish. Having done that for some time, I feel as if the essence of them has sunk deeply into my very being. Heaven Letters represent a wonderful way to connect with the source of it all. God - Love. This letters change the way we have been "trained" to perceive God, ourselves, and the world around us. We should take these letters and read them/hand them out to people who are feeling poorly, wherever they are. The comments of other readers have been most inspiring and touching. Let us share them as rose petals that keep comming from our hearts.
Thank-you for sharing the same passion.
Mar y Luz
I stumbled upon HeavenLetters through a poster at my local organic market
(MOM's) I went to the web site as soon as I could, and, immediately, God's
Words spoke to me with an overwhelming sense of comfort I just had to sign
up to receive them daily.
Sheryl Morris, Maryland
Un grand, un immense merci pour la merveilleuse histoire des Heavenletters.Je souhaitais vous demander le pourquoi du comment de ces superbes messages.Quelle merveille car tout devient beaucoup plus clair à présent. Quel bonheur de pouvoir partager de telles nouvelles. Merci du fond du coeur. Amour, Paix, Joie et Harmonie.
A big, an immense thank for the wonderful story of Heavenletters ( I was hoping to ask you the why of the how of these superb messages. How wonderful because everything becomes much clearer now. What happiness to be able to share such news. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Love, Peace and Harmony.
Claudine Rolland, France
I started to read Heavenletters about two weeks ago. I have come to rely on God’s words for guidance, comfort, and support. My husband and I wish to return some of that wonderful energy to you.
Carl and Judy Staff, Norway
Wow, this Heavenletter knocked me out! #4404 There Is a Greater Swath before You
SO beautiful!
Amelia Kinkade, Author, Straight from the Horse’s Mouth,
I am deeply connected with Prime Creator, and I talk daily with Him, but, for two years now, I have been reading Heavenletters. They are so lovely and wonderful to read and so full of wisdom. I publish Heavenletters in both German and English.
Isabel Hern, Germany, Sirian Heaven
Heavenletters™ are so heartwarming, exciting, encouraging... What loveliness and hope found in these lines. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ces "Lettres du Ciel" sont si réconfortantes, enthousiasmantes, encourageantes... Que de beauté et d'espoir contenus dans ces lignes. Merci, merci, merci.
Olga Proniewski, France
I adore the Heavenletters. It is amazing how God or the Universe or my own higher self shows us what to do (when we have time to listen.....)
Big hugs
Ingrid Kauderer, Switzerland
The Letters from God have helped me to come closer to God. God was always soooo far away, so far that I could not reach Him. But, now, he is everywhere and can be reached from every place. My Joy is endless. Gloria, I would also like to thank your mother and father for bringing you into the world so you can write Heavenletters and so we can connect with the beautiful Love of God that warms our hearts and souls make us cry and rejoice.
Marija McAllister, Croatia
Gloria, I think Heavenletters are wonderful, and I can't thank you enough for sharing with us these valuable messages straight from Source. It seems that whenever I desperately need a shot of encouragement or wisdom, a Heavenletter arrives in my email box with exactly what I need to know. That is no coincidence; just a reminder that I'm never alone and always loved. Also, I really enjoyed reading about your personal spiritual journey. What an inspiring story! I've included Heavenletters as a resource on my website. Thanks again for all you do!
Jeanne Arellan, Virginia,
Dear God, I am grateful for Heavenletters. They do more than answer questions. They make me feel connected, loved, and cared for. They give me a sense of rightness. I love You. I am forever grateful. Your daughter,
Kidest Mulugeta Atlanta, Georgia,
I’m starting to see Heavenletters™ as a daily message from God that reveals to me exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it. This is such an amazing thing – the greatness of it is truly unfathomable. My mind can’t grasp the awesomeness of it. Peace and love.
David O’Neil, Lover of God, North Carolina
C’est par hasard, si ce dernier existe, que j’ai découvert les Heavenletters. Dans les années ’70, j’avais un professeur d’anthropologie à Montréal. Après quarante ans, j’ai redécouvert mon professeur sur Facebook et je lui ai écrit! Il traduit maintenant les Heavenletters en français, qui est ma langue maternelle. Il m’a envoyé par courriel la Heavenletter #3962 intitulée “De plein gré ou à contrecoeur”: Cette première lettre que j’ai lue m’a fait prendre conscience que nous avons tous le pouvoir et la responsabilité d'améliorer notre vie. Nous ne devons pas attendre que les autres changent selon nos propres attentes envers eux. Nous sommes tous unis ...nous sommes Un avec Dieu et l'Univers. Heavenletters m'a remis sur le chemin de la lumière... Merci et merci encore !
André Normandeau, professeur de musique, Montréal
It is by chance, if there is such a thing, that I discovered Heavenletters. In the 70’s, I had an anthropology teacher in Montreal. After forty years, I discovered my teacher on Facebook and wrote to him! He now translates Heavenletters into French, my native tongue. He sent me Heavenletter #3962, Willingly or Unwillingly:
This first Heavenletter made me realize that we all have the power and the responsibility to improve our lives. We cannot wait for others to change according to what we are expecting from them. We are all connected...we are One with God and the Universe. I am now back on the path of light. Thanks and thanks again.
André Normandeau, Music Teacher, Montréal.
A friend posted Heavenletters on my group page on Facebook, and I was immediately captivated. Every word is a delicious treat, a precious gift. I literally breathe the words in as I read them to absorb them into my mind,body, and Spirit. The Voice of God is clearly speaking in a very loving and personal way through Heavenletters. Now is the perfect time for these words and ideas to pour into our planet. We are in the midst of great transformation in which the lines between heaven and earth are fading away for us all. I soak in the beautiful words of Heavenletters and peace, joy, and love settle into my heart and soul.
With Gratitude, Love, and Light
Elizabeth Anne Hill, California
I know Heavenletters™ are making a difference in our world. How could it not be so when these beautiful Divine messages come with such a free spirit!
Doris Boyle, Montana,
Heavenletters are full of God’s wisdom and love. They nourish and enrich the love inside my heart and bring endless joy, peace and happiness into my life.
I am so touched by God's words. Thank you all for your work! May I join the Chinese translation team?
Leann Suiyier, Software Engineer, Colorado (originally from China)
How much I enjoy and look forward to receiving my Heavenletter from God each day.
Martha Rutherford, United States :-) :-) smile today!
Thank you for these lovely letters - I get great joy and upliftment reading them.
Denise Davis, Coaching Therapist and Healer, United Kingdom,
I read Heavenletter #4258, The Bread Cast upon the Waters, with deep relief. Usually I feel a burden when someone tells me I am responsible. But for some reason I was able to expand to the Universal as I read this. I knew that, by becoming God, everything is done.
Marie Zenack, Iowa, Natural Family Planning Consultant, Iridologist, Herbalist, Author
I am from CHINA BEIJING, I love Heavenletters. Sometimes I translate Heavenletters into Chinese and set them online. These messages are wonderful and popular for Chinese, so I wish to be a China Volunteer to translate Heavenletters into Chinese and benefit more Chinese people.
JIA Yingxuan, University Lecturer, Beijing Jianotong University
I fell in love with Heavenletters and translate them into Chinese. I'm happy to share the love from Heavenletters with people who understand only Chinese. I greatly appreciate God's love to everyone. Thank you.
Deo gratias!
Xiyangyang, China
Bernie Siegel, M.D., introduced me to God's letters this week (June 2012). We have been
working on his next book together, The Art of Healing. One of the things I love about working with Bernie is that he works from the heart, and he follows his instincts. His instinct to share daily Heaven letters came at a time when I was grieving the change in a relationship and was trying to accept it with grace. Each day, God's letter says exactly what I need to hear.
Today I watched your interview video, and I was struck with God's message (from the intro to your book) that the words are extraneous - just be with Him – was all we needed to know. I'm crying as I write this because this is the message my heart has said, over and over again. These tears are joy tears, not sadness. Confirmation is a wonderful feeling.
I'm not sure why I wrote, except perhaps to say thank you for your faith to sit and be with God every day and do what you do. Heavenletters™ are powerful, moving, loving and truly of-God. I see why Bernie was happy to write the forward to your book.
In yesterday's letter, I loved the line: “What if your heart is a bridge so
that others can cross any distance?”
This really brings home to me the lesson of responsibility we all have to shine, not only for ourselves, but for each other. Light is meant to be a community of energy, not a solitary spark that fizzles and dies.
Bless you and may your life continue to shine from within.
Cindy Hurns, Washington, Freelance Writer, Co-Author, No Buddy Left Behind: Bringing U.S. Troops' Dogs and Cats Safely Home from the Combat Zone;
These letters are Awesome!
Best regards,
Dick Kane, New Hampshire, U.S.
This letter is so fitting and cuts right to why I've been pacing the floor for an hour. Incredible. I mean, incredible. It's just that I'm astounded always at how spot-on this and the sole purpose the letters are.
Daniel Gaughan, Nevada
I thank Heavenletters for reconnecting me with God's Love, or what I am.
Allan J. Fox, New Jersey
I was disconnected from the internet for technical reasons, but today, re-reading the letters of the days when I was not connected, I was excited for the best gift I could wish for! It’s a boost to be totally united to God. We are in God as God is in us, ONE absolute, unconditional Love and Infinite Light. Heavenletters are the Divine expression of Love unconditional and light the path. Namasté.
Anna Maria, Plejades, Italy
I heard about Heavenletters through Dr. Bernie Siegel who reads and forwards them to physicians and friends. I read them daily, and find them truly inspirational. I am honored and pleased to include and recommend Heavenletters and Godwriting in my book. Gloria eloquently reminds us of our oneness with God and how accessible God is.
Dean Shrock, Ph.D., Author, Why Love Heals
"I love Heavenletters! The one today stayed with me all day. I returned to think about it a lot more. Beautiful gift."
Lynne Lara, Seattle, Washington
Steward of
"Sure, all of the Heavenletters are beautiful, yet sometimes I find a message so compatible with my experiences that, at those times, my gratitude is overwhelming. I hope that one day I can host you in my country."
Huseyin Okandan, Travel Agent, Selcuk-Ephesus, Turkiye
Heavenletters immediately touched me profoundly. They are amazing. I am so grateful that they exist. Thank you.
Claire Stricker, Netherlands
Glory, I thank God for Heavenletters™. Today I was talking to my wife about Heavenletters, and for the first time it was difficult for me to find words to express my real feelings in relation to this discovery. Of course: «seek and you will find»
Of course, in Angola we speak Portuguese, and I thank God for the gift of languages given by God.
Timoteo Arao, Linguist, Theologian, Angola
I'm surprised that I’m the first subscriber from Vietnam. This must be a remarkable memory for me!
I read Your Spiritual Journey frequently and thanks to today’s writing that I can meet Heavenletters. Thanks for your/your team nice works.
Tuyen Duong, Vietnam
I am honored that I can receive this treasured guidance. What a gift.
[editor]Caroline can be found here:
Heavenletters™ is just lovely. It is an affirmation of the truth. God is always available, always listening, and always communicating with us.
[editor] Christiane can be found online here:
Thank you and thank God for these wonderful, inspiring and always right on the money letters. I love the HLs and admire your ability to tune-in so well and so often. Heavenletters are like a drop of golden elixir to my heart and soul. I am grateful that many are receiving the opportunity to enjoy them as well. My blessings and wishes that Heavenletters may fly far and wide into the hearts, minds and souls of all of our brothers and sisters. I'll be making a donation shortly.
Darryl Schoenstadt, Arizona
Heavenletters, thank you very much! Is there something I can do to help you? May Divine Presence/God/Great Spirit/Divine Spirit Guide & Sustain You in Helping Others around the World.
Buster Anderson, Advocate, Canada
I sent money to show my appreciation for your service and the energy you put into this positive. My heart's desire is to walk the steps of Knowledge. In the Light of Creator, I give my thanks for your Being in this time of transition. Salu!
Christer Rudd, Norway