Heavenletters™ are so heartwarming, exciting, encouraging... What loveliness and hope found in these lines. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ces "Lettres du Ciel" sont si réconfortantes, enthousiasmantes, encourageantes... Que de beauté et d'espoir contenus dans ces lignes. Merci, merci, merci.
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!
Olga Proniewski
Heavenletters™ are so heartwarming, exciting, encouraging... What loveliness and hope found in these lines. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ces "Lettres du Ciel" sont si réconfortantes, enthousiasmantes, encourageantes... Que de beauté et d'espoir contenus dans ces lignes. Merci, merci, merci.
Olga Proniewski, France
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!