Un grand, un immense merci pour la merveilleuse histoire des Heavenletters.Je souhaitais vous demander le pourquoi du comment de ces superbes messages.Quelle merveille car tout devient beaucoup plus clair à présent. Quel bonheur de pouvoir partager de telles nouvelles. Merci du fond du coeur. Amour, Paix, Joie et Harmonie.
A big, an immense thank for the wonderful story of Heavenletters (http://www.heavenletters.org/the-story-of-heavenletters-all-in-one-page.html). I was hoping to ask you the why of the how of these superb messages. How wonderful because everything becomes much clearer now. What happiness to be able to share such news. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Love, Peace and Harmony.
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!
Claudine Rolland
Un grand, un immense merci pour la merveilleuse histoire des Heavenletters.Je souhaitais vous demander le pourquoi du comment de ces superbes messages.Quelle merveille car tout devient beaucoup plus clair à présent. Quel bonheur de pouvoir partager de telles nouvelles. Merci du fond du coeur. Amour, Paix, Joie et Harmonie.
A big, an immense thank for the wonderful story of Heavenletters (http://www.heavenletters.org/the-story-of-heavenletters-all-in-one-page.html). I was hoping to ask you the why of the how of these superb messages. How wonderful because everything becomes much clearer now. What happiness to be able to share such news. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Love, Peace and Harmony.
Claudine Rolland, France
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!