Love Instead

God said:

The thing with ego is that it is a habit to be weaned from. Like any other habit, it is dispensable. We can go as far as to call ego an addiction. It is like a reaction to a drug you become the victim of, as if you had no choice but to take it and no choice about what happens subsequently.

Ego is like a bug. It climbs up your leg. It brings an army of itself and overtakes you.

The color of ego is red. When you blush, when your skin flushes, ego is at work. Whether you blush in pride or blush in humiliation, the agent of color is ego.

Ego becomes self-important. Ego is like a servant who seems to come to help you, and before you know it, has taken over your life and made you the servant.

Ego would dominate. It would make you more than thin-skinned. It would tear off your skin and leave you raw to the slightest barb or even caress. It would make you so sensitive that you would be the Princess and the Pea. There would be no bed comfortable enough for you nor would there be anything anyone could say to you or about you that would be good enough. Someone would either say too much or too little, and in either case, you would be put out. Nothing would be just right. Everything would be slightly off, and you would look askance.

Ego would say you have to be superior or, by default, you would be inferior.

Ego would seem to placate you but it really would inflame you.

Ego is surreptitious. Ego pretends to be your friend but could really care less. Ego gets its kicks out of chiding you and urging you on for more and more recognition, knowing that you will never get enough.

Ego perpetuates a scam. It trips you up every time.

Ego makes you call for attention, and often the attention is unwelcome.

Ego is like a fraudulent lawyer who sets up a case full of holes and calls it foolproof when all along you are the fool.

Ego asks the world to walk on eggshells around you. It whispers to you that you should be coddled, treated with kid gloves, and bowed down to. Ego makes you the King’s hand that waits to be kissed when, all the while, there is more to life than attention on you.

Ego struts across the stage. Ego is such a showman. Ego would steal the show and go off stage with all the applause, leaving you wondering what happened.

A seeming friend, ego betrays you. Ego has to betray you, leave you high and dry, has to because ego has too much to do to be there when the chips are down. Why would it stay anyway? It leaves you to be shredded while it starts a new game with someone else.

Ego pretends to be your bodyguard, guarding you from affront to your self-esteem, but it works for the other side and always lets offense enter.

Ego specializes in offense. If you don’t see offense, ego will point it out to you.

Ego would make you believe that the world is supposed to revolve around you, that the world is inferior and has not followed the rules your ego has set before it, and so the offender of your ego must be arrested in your mind and heart; it must beg your pardon before you will give an offender permission to leave.

Ego is going to say goodbye to you soon enough. It will trot off and leave you in the lurch.

Why don’t you beat ego to it? Accept love instead.

Read Comments

Goodbye ego

I could quote almost every single line of this page. How can Truth be so hilarious? If "ego" didn't exist one should invent it... in fact He did.

Yeah. And strange critter

Yeah. And strange critter too, don't you think? Can look... all-powerful.


Strange protean critter indeed. When I will dismiss mine I will take great fun in observing others. I understand why God says we are His delight...well I hope it is not only for the show.
We should put some attention on this letter as the "coincidence" is that Theophil posted the german translation today, probably in the same moment I was posting.

Oh no, you are not going to

Oh no, you are not going to proclaim it "Letter of the Year", are you?

By the way, there are some powerful addenda in the next several letters.

"next several letters"

I now can see you were right.
But you did it again! I mean, peeking into the future.


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