The Fullness of Our Connection

God said:

Can you ever be totally without ego? Yes, you can. You can be ego-less and still have your individuality. You will walk the same. You will look the same. You will still be called by your name. You will still prefer some foods to others. From the outside, perhaps no one else will know, but when your ego has taken a hike, the difference will be where your attention is perched.

It will not be on slights. It will not be on imperfection. It will be on such joyous connection that otherness and competition cannot exist. What is there to compete with or feel deprived about when you have full awareness of the fullness of Our Connection, when your attention is on the Ascendant, when your attention is on the Glory of God, when you live and breathe Truth, when smallness has left, when neediness has withdrawn, when love rules, when you are so self-effulgent that you clearly know where you walk and with Whom. What dismalness can you possibly jump up and down about?

Being ego-less does not mean being without awareness of your individuality. It doesn’t mean that you would always go to the back of the line any more than it would mean you would always go to the front. From your realized vast vision, you would simply not take anything personally, not acclaim and not insult. Why would you? How could you?

You would not take your individuality so seriously. There would be no need to be pompous. There would be no need to aggrandize yourself, for what possibly exists that could make you greater than you are now when ego has been left behind and no longer chases you? Ego does know when to give up.

When the time comes, you will have no ego about being ego-less. Out of sight, out of mind would ego be. It would not be a rudder in your life. It would not be a passenger. Ego would be like a lesser state of consciousness that no longer holds such fascination for you. Ego would be a drop in the bucket. It would be a toy that you have outgrown.

Regardless whether you reach stardom in the world or sleep on a curb, you would not be so emotionally affected and bounce up and down. You would neither be at the top of the world nor at the bottom. You would have a different perspective. You wouldn’t know more of Me or less of Me. You would have all of Me.

It is not that you would be desireless, but you would not be ruled by desire. Cravings would not ravage you. It would simply be walking down a different street with other wonders to behold. Another street would serve just as well.

You would be passionate about life except that how it plays out wouldn’t be all-important. You would not give your literal goods away, but in the sense that your goods would not be all-consuming, you would have already given them away.

If you feel ego is necessary, you will keep it. If you think you need its protection, ego will go to great lengths to protect your image. Of course, it does not do a good job of that because it eggs you on to more and more plaudits from the world, and more and more appreciation that may not be forthcoming, thereby giving rise to hurt feelings and all of that which you have been proficient at.

You need no image, beloveds. You were made in Mine.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said yes you have
Other wonders to behold
The Glory of God

Love, Light, and Aloha!


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