Ask for Your Birthright

God said:

Today I make a request for boldness.

I ask that, even in terms of relative life, that you say what you have to say. I ask that you ask for that which you have to ask. I ask that you state your case. I ask that you do not pretend. I suggest you keep your manners and speak up.

You need to give others the opportunity to come forth.

It is not ego that makes you speak up. It is ego that makes you hesitate. It is ego that holds you back. Because you fear refusal, ego holds you back.

So what if you have refusal? That is beside the point. There is that for which you must ask, or you find yourself blaming another for not giving.

Ask for your raise. Ask for your promotion. Do not have to have it, but know you do have to ask. When it comes to others, there is nothing they have to do, but you do have to ask.

Consider yourself an ambassador from Me, which you are, and you are instructed to give opportunities for giving to others. You are to help the blind to see.

You do not have to be the most giving person in the world, although you will give. Better to ask someone for help than to nurse a wound because they don’t even think of it.

Beloveds, sometimes you only have to ask. You do not only have to ask Me. You can ask others as well.

When you speak up, you will be putting an end to bad feeling. Asking will put an end to complaint. It will put an end to “bad guys.” Your asking will be like tilling the soil in spring. Would you berate a seed for not sprouting when you did not make it easy for it to?

Asking is like setting the table, and then inviting someone to eat.

Asking is like buying a stamp at the post office. You have to ask for it.

Asking is like saying: “I AM. I exist. I am supposed to recognize myself. Others do not have to announce me, but I must announce my existence. If my thoughts are hidden, how can I blame anyone for not seeing them? I am not to be a secret hoarder of thoughts.

“That I speak my thoughts does not make me unkind. I am not rude. But simply I speak my simple truth on whatever level it exists.

“When someone asks me something, my answer is not to appease or not appease. My answer is to respond to the question. And if someone asks me to help them in some way, I ask my heart, and I comply with my heart. I do not pretend that I am more than I am. I have a choice to give or not to give, and that choice I also give to another.”

Beloveds, no one wants the last words on their lips to be: ‘I never asked. I kept waiting. I missed opportunities to ask, and so I squelched myself. And I did not give credit to others. I feared a No more than I dared a Yes. And so I was left wanting in life. I wanted to be heard, but I did not speak. I wanted to be answered, but I did not ask. Was I so afraid of my own self that I did not ask?”

Ask or dismiss, beloveds. When you ask, you will be relieved of harboring resentment. You will have cleared the air. You will be letting go. Ask for your birthright. Ask.


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