Crimes against Your Heart

God said:

You who are quick to anger will find that you are less angry and angry less often when you consider the person or event who spurred you on to anger innocent of all crimes against your heart. When you are angry, you have found them guilty.

They were cavalier about you, and you feel as though they dropped a glove, asking for a duel.

There is nothing for you to gain in assuming they were deliberate in what they said and what they did. Are they vile? Or are they perhaps thoughtless? Are they out to get you or just out to get for themselves? Are they nasty or are they ignorant? Perhaps they are more unintelligent than arrogant.

It does come down to ignorance. If they knew who you were, they would treat you differently. They do not know your worth. They probably are not even thinking of your worth. They are thinking of their lack. Just like you, they are wanting to be loved.

Perhaps they really are thinking to take advantage of you, and you know, as they may not, that taking advantage is not an advantageous thing to do.

When someone takes you too lightly, when they seemingly or actually walk all over you, when they injure your pride, are they coming from strength or weakness? Weakness, wouldn’t you say? And what will you come from, dear ones?

In your response, you will come from the place of a wise father or mother or friend. You will see the words and actions of your friends as nothing more than the scrambling around of molecules.

You do not acquiesce any more than you protest. You simply do not take offense anymore than you exacerbate it. If your child should add a column of numbers and come up with an incorrect answer, would you storm around about it, or would you simply sit down with him and go over the numbers?

If someone asks something of you and seems to impose, you don’t have to pout and feel resentful. You can simply say, “I am sorry. That is not something I am willing to take on.” You haven’t decided they are a fiend for asking. You simply represent yourself.

Now sometimes you are willing. Sometimes you don’t feel imposed upon. Sometimes you see they are not imposing, and sometimes you see they are. In any event, the choice of response is yours, not theirs.

What is lost by your coming from a higher place? What is gained by your coming from a lower place?

You are to set a standard in life. You are meant to be a leader, not a follower. Certainly you are not going to follow in the steps of someone who offended you.

Because someone takes you too lightly, why must you take them so seriously?

Because someone’s nose is out of joint, must yours be as well?

When you see a fire in a room, do you fan the flames or snuff them out?

You have life in the world for such a short time. Make use of the opportunities you have for growth. You can grow, and so will another grow from your generosity of spirit.

You can say no and not demean the other.

Because his ego acted out of turn doesn’t mean you have to call in yours to be even bigger and better.

Withdraw from defense or offense. Simply respond to what requires answering. Decide ahead of time that, whatever comes, you don’t have to like it and you also don’t have to take offense.


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