Like Fairy Dust

God said:

Enough dwelling on suffering, yours and the world's. You say you have had enough. Well, then, why dwell on that which you have had enough of? Dwell on that which you want more of.

Why distress yourself? It is so easy for you to find something that will sink your heart low. Believe Me, it is just as easy to find something to lift your heart high. Lift your heart high as a torch. Your job is to lift your heart and the hearts of others. Your job is not to point out the errors of the world. Whom does that profit?

You abound with criticism. You nag yourself, and you nag the world. Criticize your criticism, and throw it away. You have found yourself lacking and the world lacking enough to last centuries. Criticizing is not endearing nor is it meant to endure. You find so many big and little things to disapprove of, and you say Tut, tut. The world needs not your seal of approval nor disapproval. The world needs you to find things about life to love. Love the little things if you cannot the big ones. It is the love that matters. It is love that will rescue the world.

Sometimes, when I speak of love, you'd think I was speaking a foreign language, or telling you a fairy tale. Even fairy tales have truth in them. But love is not a made-up story. Love is the only thing that is true. Throw away your facts and statistics, and you will know love.

You say it is hard to love the world in the state it's in. You ask, How is it possible to love turmoil, craziness, and hearts seemingly bereft of love?

Where is love more needed, I ask.

Love is not meant to be frosting. It is meant to be the cake. Your love is needed.

The world appears to be an apple with a worm in it. Can you not still love the apple and relish its juice? Must you call meetings about the worm in the apple? Must you bewail it and flail against it?

Can you not love your knee when it is bruised? Can you not even love the bully and the warmonger? Can you not even love those who hate? What is all your love for? Love everything you love, and then add more love to the pile. Love even those whose despair is so great that they would pound the world and hurt it. Love even those who do not love, for they need to know the meaning of the word. And how else would you teach them?

Right now, in the silence of your room and in the silence of your heart, bestow love upon those who you feel are not worthy of it. Let them feel a waft of sweetness. Let them wonder what it is they feel and where it comes from. Keep applying your love to the universe as you would a coat of paint. Your love will adhere.

Consider that your love will go out like fairy dust.

You are laden with love from so many directions. Consider how good it feels even to you when you receive a little more. Love is what you bless others with. You have found room in your heart for the downtrodden. Now find room even for those who have been the trodders of the innocent. Send them love so it will be impossible for them to continue to cause harm to others. Meet havoc with love, beloveds. What else is there to meet it with?

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A light coat of fairy dust for the world

Right now, in the silence of your room and in the silence of your heart, bestow love upon those whom you feel are not worthy of it. Let them feel a waft of sweetness. Let them wonder what it is they feel and where it comes from. Keep applying your love to the universe as you would a coat of paint. Your love will adhere.”

These are not just nice sounding words, they are instructions. It is so easy for us to bemoan the state of the world and all the unpleasantness we constantly hear about. What if every reader of Heavenletters spent a few minutes each day following these instructions, what then?


I do recognize that I hold back from loving those that the majority would deem unworthy of love. I can also see that a lot of the time I fall into the pattern of seeing as the majority does. A lot of the time I am a part of the majority.

I give a lot of lip-service.

I say that everyone is worthy of Love and that we are all One Being. I say that underneath the mask there is God. I say that no matter what anyone has seemingly done, they are included and that nothing anyone could ever do has the power to change this. I also feel it on a deep level, but I am not actually living it.

Help me break down all of the walls that I have built up. Every single one of them. Let them shatter. Instantly if possible. Gradually if necessary. I want to only see Love. I don't want to have the moment of decision that I face sometimes, where I decide if I am going to give love or not. I want to love and no longer have to decide when it is appropriate, and when it is not.

The voice that is trying to figure it out, and is placing judgments is the voice that has no idea what Love is. It has no idea who I am, or who anyone "else" is either. It has no idea what Love means.

"Love even those whose despair is so great that they would pound the world and hurt it. Love even those who do not love, for they need to know the meaning of the word."

The same voice that is creating despair for my brothers, and is leading them to pounding the world and hurting it, is the same voice that is making me hold back from giving love to my brothers. When I hold back my love, isn't that also hurting the world?

Who is pounding who?

I no longer want to hurt the world (and myself) by holding back the love in my heart. I want to set the love free and allow it to heal the world by seeing it as already loved, healed and whole. Help me be the Light that I am meant to be. Thank You God