Do you really want a God Who thinks the way you do?

God said:

Sometimes you want Me to be just like you. You want a God Who gets upset with things the way you do. You want a God Who storms and rages at the unevenness in the world as you do. You want Me to rail at injustice and take a fiery stand. You want Me to be a dragon who shoots fire from his mouth wherever and whenever you want Me to, and you want Me to be a lamb with you. Fortunately, I am not a dragon. I set the world in motion. I turned the wheel of it. You are the lamb of God.

Of course, in your heart of hearts, you accept Me as I am, a God of Love. In your heart of hearts, you do not equate love with lackadaisicalness. In your heart of hearts, you know the power of love. Yet you assume a stance and create a distance from your awareness of the mightiness of love to your giving of it. You ask Me how, how to give love in this world when things are as they are. Beloved, that is a delaying question. It is a little smoke-screen before your hesitation about giving love and more and more.

Like everything else you have taken, you have taken love too personally. You consider the pro's and con's as if it were money you were investing, as if it were a huge decision to make, as if your very life depended upon it. Well, of course, it does. Your life does depend upon love. And the life of the world also depends upon love—yours. We are talking about love that you just give without ties just the way you take things out of your pocket. You just take them out one by one. And, so, you take love out from your heart and see what's there.

Love is like a baby bird that flies. The bird does not ask its mother how to fly. It has seen flying all its life. Furthermore, the ability to fly was built into the baby bird. His strength and desire come together, and the bird takes wing. The bird does not consider: Shall I fly, or shall I not? The bird mounts the twig, and he lets go and rises. His intention is his practice. The inner urge becomes so great that the bird simply flies.

What is it that you have to know about love that you delay it? What measurements must you take? How much must you keep in reserve? Upon what scale do you measure the love you will dole? Its personal value to you? Your standing in the world? Why not measure love according to My love for you? Why not give volumes of love because I ask you with all My heart to give out My love to the world? Honestly, one would think that you thought love was your possession, and that you were to guard it. You don't own the love you give anymore than the love you receive.

You do not meter the air you let flow in and out of your house. You open the windows, and the air takes care of itself. Open the windows of your heart, and let the bird fly. You are a center of love, and love will radiate from you.

Does a radiator that heats a house consider itself the owner of its heat? It knows it is the giver of it. The radiator does not need to know the mechanics of giving heat. It merely radiates it. And you are merely to give love.

Let Me tell you what giving love is. It is your awareness of it. When you are aware of love, you are giving it. Right this moment, as you feel yourself in the swell of My love, you are giving it. You are not to stuff love.

Do the leaves of trees hoard their greenness? Do they try to disguise it? Do they consider who may see their greenness and who may not?

Why, then, do you think that love from your heart is a matter to take under consideration when it is only to give?

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Love like a Baby Bird

"Love is like a baby bird that flies. The bird does not ask its mother how to fly. It has seen flying all its life. Furthermore, the ability to fly was built into the baby bird. His strength and desire come together, and the bird takes wing. The bird does not consider: Shall I fly, or shall I not? The bird mounts the twig, and he lets go and rises. His intention is his practice. The inner urge becomes so great that the bird simply flies."

My intention for today is to love like a baby bird flies...It does not plan nor scheme nor figure out...This sweet bird mounts a twig then hops a bit to be carried in the air by God. So we just intend to love and with this make Love the most important thing in the world...way more important than all of the nonsense in our minds! So with Love being number can we not be Love too? And as we are Love...we fly away...perching here and there in everyone's heart...which is really God's Heart. See you there!! Jim and Jimi. ps thank you Chuck for this HL.