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Life of Illusion

OK, this might be a question I should direct toward God by submitting the question to the Ask God section but I figure He will enlighten me with the help of His Earth Angels that are right here in this forum.

If life as we know it is an illusion what is reality? How does one shed this life of illusion and access reality or is that even possible while experiencing life in this physical form?


God does seriously answer

:thumbup: God does seriously answer your question if you ask it with sincerity and love!

Just had to share this with everyone as it really brought an ear to ear grin when I realized I was being pointed in the direction of finding the answer to my question regarding what is reality. One link to another link and I found my way to metaphysics. Which is a start and will require lottso reading/studying on my part but I am willing to follow this lead and see what happens! :big Will let my higher self decide if this is the path to follow or what turns may need to be taken along the way.

Have a very blessed day everyone!

It is my understanding is

It is my understanding is that there is not a how to. There is desire and intention. God has said that the path to God is God.

There is no question in my mind, Cailen. You are getting there!

Dear Cailen - the following

Dear Cailen - the following is part of my view of this matter.

‘The Bible tells us in John 14:2: ‘In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.’ In the traditional versions of the Scriptures rooms has been translated to mean mansions. However, I prefer the wording of the Lamsa Bible. I feel that the word ‘rooms’ comes closer to what the Master Jesus was trying to convey to our world, namely that our Father’s house is big and full of love. After all, it is the heart of the whole of Creation. Therefore, it has many rooms and there is enough space for every soul and for all the belief systems of our world. We alone can decide whether one of them is for us or whether our spiritual understanding has already grown beyond them. It is said that all the answers are known within. Why? Because everybody’s heart is an integral part of that great Universal heart; it is where our God Self dwells. And that is why it is the only place on this Earth where truthful answers to all our questions can be found.

‘It is our right, even our duty, to believe whatever truth comes to us through our inner teacher, our intuition; we neglect it to our detriment. Every time you hear, see or read something – including this – listen to the responses of your heart. Things are only true if your innermost feelings say to you: ‘This does make sense; it is true!’ You can then take it on board and allow it to penetrate your consciousness. Know that there is no absolute truth, and that everybody’s truth is at least slightly different from any other. Whenever your heart says about something: ‘This makes sense; it is true!’ then that is your truth. No matter what anyone else may say, stick to it; it will never deceive you or let you down.

With Love and Light,