Being too nice
As I write this I am literally feeling sick. Though is some ways I suppose I should be thrilled that I figured this out before being taken for lots of money. Having said that I suppose this is also one of my life lessons that I sincerely need to learn. Believe it or not that lesson is to not be so nice and/or giving as some people are not as they seem. Which truly makes me cry. Why? Because I live my life looking at my brothers and sisters as good people -- I have the false belief that because I am an honest, loving perosn that others I come across are also honorable people.
This all started rather innocently, my nieces started a myspace page for me so that we could keep in touch easily. Well, other people that I do not know have sent e-mails asking to be on my friends list which I've accepted them to. I thought I'd gotten to know one fellow who gave me a believable sob story and needed money for him and his son to eat for the next month. Asked me if I could send him $210.00 via western union. In my gut it just didn't sit well. After doing some research I believe this man is part of a scam. Thankfully westen union sends an e-mail to you before completing the transaction and you must call their number to verify the transaction within 24hrs or they cancel it. I did not call to confirm the transaction.
My worry at this point is the man has my myspace info -- email to myspace and also has my cell number -- also knows that I live in MI....not sure if with this info he will be able to use that info for indentity fraud so I am going to cancel my cell phone and get a new number.
Guess I sort of felt like if I share this with someone I'd feel better -- joke -- as I don't feel much better. But also to remind people in this forum that even though we look to see the good in people some people just aren't good -- be careful.
I'm just hoping this happening doesn't change my view on the human race as a whole as at this very moment I'm not too thrilled with how some of our species treat others.
I've written a couple of
I've written a couple of responses to this, dear Cailen, and then didn't post.
I'm sorry this happened to you.
A wise friend told me once: "Don't buy into other people's stories."
I will just ask you some questions, okay?
Even if this was absolutely true, and the man needed money, why did you feel you were to supply it?
Who are you most angry with, the man or yourself?!!! (I speak from experience.)
God says that if happened even a minute ago, it is the past.
From what I know of you, dear Cailen, and all the love you give, you are not going to let one bad apple spoil the bunch.
With love and blessings,
Dear Gloria, To answer your
Dear Gloria,
To answer your questions, I don't know exactly why I felt the need to help this's just my personality...I am seriously the type that would give someone the shirt off my back if they needed.
I am most angry with myself for being too gullible at times. I am sure this is one of my life lessons and I'm just not passing the test! That lesson is to know when I am being taken for a ride and to learn to say NO sometimes.
I am rich my many ways but monetary is not one of them and I don't mind not being monetarally rich as I rich in more important ways HOWEVER I do not wish to be taken advantage of or have someone steal my identy for monetary gain that will be left in my name and I will have to be the one to fix the damage.
I suppose I should have waited a wee bit before posting, though I don't know that I would have posted had I waited as that post was somewhat written from an angle of disappointment, hurt and anger. No, I have not lost my faith in humans but I must find a way to take off these rose colored glasses and see "color clear"
Thanks Gloria for your post and Heaven mean the world to me!
Hi Cailen, Don't be kicking
Hi Cailen,
Don't be kicking yourself about this. Even if you had sent the money, doing a good deed is never wasted. Having an intuitive feeling to stop before you sent it means you can say thank you to Spirit, and just put it behind you. Don't let fear make this into something more than it is. If this man is a scam artist, he is on to his next easy target and I'm sure he doesn't have time to pursue bothering you when it is obvious you are a person of limited resources.
I have given money to total strangers, but in my case it was a general request to anyone in the particular forum I was "lurking" and I simply felt prompted to send a little bit. I would never send money by Western Union; everyone can have a PayPal account to transfer money for whatever reason. Western Union is very expensive and I don't believe any legitimate person who has access to the Internet uses it. It is for people who don't have a bank account or don't want any record of the transaction. Of course there are people so down and out they don't have a bank account, but what is a person like that doing on the Internet?
Once something is done it is over. A Course In Miracles says "All that I give is given to myself." That is a good way to look at it. Also, remember we all play our various roles on the stage of life to help each other awaken. Light without darkness is meaningless; that's why we've come to this world. So simply send a blessing to this brother for whatever role he is playing; it is not who he really is. As Mother Teresa believed, we must see Jesus in "one of his distressing disguises."
God bless you for your loving, generous heart. Don't shut it down even a little bit. Just learn to listen and trust that still, small voice.
Carol Maurer
Hi Cailen, I think I'm
Hi Cailen,
I think I'm facing the same problem you are: being too kind. There's a bar at the local tennis courts I used to go to for a cup of coffee, and the people there know me very well and are very nice. Now the coffee has become awful, I'd really like to spit it out, and I don't know what to do about it, except stop going there. The same happened with the take away pizza. There's a place just near our home, and I used to go there to get the pizzas, but lately the pizzas have become not good, and these people are so kind, and I don't know how to avoid this situation without offending the people. Has anyone got any advice?
Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta
Hello Paula, One of my other
Hello Paula,
One of my other traits is being overly honest. I am one of those people who should carry a shoe horn in my pocket for every time I put my foot in my mouth. HOWEVER, I have also found that people appreciate hearing the truth especially if stated in a loving, caring way.
My suggestion to you is to tell the people at the Tennis courts how you feel about the coffee but in a tactful, concerned way rather than in a demeaning way. People usually take very kindly to suggestions that are helpful -- think of it this way, both places of business could be losing business and haven't a clue why because no one has told them their coffee now tastes like car oil or the pizza taste like card board! You could always approach it like, "I've noticed the coffee tastes different, did you change brands?" then go on with the conversation in a way that lets them know you think the coffee is just plain yuck and they should go back to whatever brand they were using before.
Good luck to ye,
Hi Carol, Thank you so much
Hi Carol,
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom.
I still feel that I should/must follow my intuition with this person but he hasn't moved on to any other easy target which makes me wonder if he was sincerely being honest. I researched everything he had told me and things just weren't adding up and when I said that I'd send him money it was big time do it now!
Which also raised some red flags for me.
Anyway, at this point in time the best thing I can do for this person is pray to our Father to help him or send him an angel to help and try not to let it bother me.
Think about it, there are times in our lives where we 'collide' with other people, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. There are no coincidences. In those situations we have the choice of fear or, love. We can choose to curse or, to bless. What these people are after 'really', is love and blessings.
You chose blessings, after all.
Love and blessings to you,
Well, Xenia from what you
:Criying: Well, Xenia from what you posted seemed that I being the angel in this case have failed. Feeling feathers fall as I speak. As I did react from a position of fear, I've been to credit hell and do not wish to ever go there again. My reaction to the whole ordeal has been to curse this person rather than bless them by helping out.
After re-reading what I wrote I must apologize to the entire forum for coming from a selfish place --- please just know that I would have helped this person or any other person for that matter had it not been that credit fraud is a known commonplace happening. Ok, so from what you've written nothing should matter other than me choosing to bless all that I encounter.
I will try to not be so judgemental of others. Please forgive me for being such a dope..
SMILE, Caileen! You are
:big SMILE, Caileen! You are OK.
If you want to hear what God says, read today's (Aug.14) message: #2454 The Language of Love.
Peace to you,
Dearest Carol, I love your
Dearest Carol,
I love your reply, each word of it. "Jesus in one of his distressing disguises" is a wonderful expression, I think I will remember this in any future situation which might need this remembrance !!
Many thanks and a dear hug to you