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Gloria - Comment on Archive Heavenletter

Hello Gloria,

Just thought I'd let you know that I did submit a comment on the archived Heavenletter #194 also wanted to let you know that the comment appears with the archived Heavenletter and not in the comment section of the Community Forum -- suppose I should place my comments here in the Lounge or maybe a new Forum area for comments to Heavenletters would be an idea too?? Well, I am new to this whole thing and am just finding my way around the web site! Another suggestion would be in the purchasing of books/cd's...I ordered one book and one cd today -- the book is for my Mother and the cd for me to listen to when I am driving..would have been nice if there was an option to order 1 book and 1 cd rather than having to place a separate order for each....just a thought for the future.

With love,

Blessed Cailen, okay, so now

Blessed Cailen, okay, so now we know that a comment written about an archived Heavenletter doesn't show up. How do we find it? Meanwhile, I wonder if you (and anyone else) would kindly post your comment as a new topic with a link to the Heavenletter you commented on. How does that sound? I know I want to read what you wrote and also this Heavenletter #194. I'm not sure how to go about finding it. And what is the title of this Heavenletter?

And, yes, it is a good idea to have a new section called Comments to Archived Heavenletters or something like that. I will pass on your suggestion to the beloved and overworked tech angels. They are doing so much behind the scenes. They just steadfastly keep serving us.

I too am learning how to navigate this website and the forum. I am getting better at it.

As for the forum, when I want to see new comments and all, I press Community up top.
When I want to see all the forum categories (Worthwhile News, Heaven Announcements, Creative Writing etc.) and maybe add something new, I press Heavenletter Forums on the right bar, about seven down.

Re purchasing a combo of Heaven book and CD, of course, we should have it.

First, let me tell you how happy I am you ordered the book and CD.

Here's the story with the books and all: Postage has gone up considerably. Priority went from $3.50 to $4.50. Overseas is astronomical. The U.S.Post Office now will only ship international orders air mail. Also, bear in mind that a per cent is taken off by Paypal, approximately a $1.00 per order. Somehow the new rates on our order page are not showing, and the older rates prevail. Pretty much, Heaven's shipping and handling costs (packaging, time, gas) are not being covered except when dear people, like you, order both and do pay extra shipping and handling.

I am trying to get everything fixed. It has to be fixed on web site AND with Paypal.

God bless you.

With love,


Good Day Gloria, The archive

Good Day Gloria,

The archive Heavenletter I commented on is named Deep Within You, one way to get to it is by clinking on the Heavenletter Archives. This particular letter is in the April 2001 file, 2nd Heavenletter. Oh and it's not so much that the comments do not show up as they really do and they are stored the way your web site is set up which is to store each comment with the Heavenletter which is appropreiate so maybe just an added forum section for archived Heavenletter might be a good thing? That way the archived Heavenletters are kept in the forefront for people to continue gaining enlightment from.

Side note, thank you for being so positive regarding my suggestions to your site. That is so refreshing :) My profession is and has been for the past 16 yrs working with computers both hardware and software so I just naturally spew my thoughts out in this area! I am very thankful that you are not taking offense to my suggestions.

As for the book/cd it now makes me happy that I ordered both so that your cost is being covered. I almost purchased the book only as I truly feel this would be something that will help my Mother be more positive regarding life. The cd was an add on gift to me from me :p Anyway, I can hardly wait to receive them!!

With love,

Dearest Colleen, Yes, I

Dearest Colleen,

Yes, I understand very well your reason for a new category for archived Heavenletters so that everyone can know there is something posted. I absolutely agree. I have sent a request for that. It may take a while. I am so very glad you brought this to our attention and that you followed through.

I went to the archives and had to struggle to find #194 because I found Heavenletters listed by month rather than number. It was under May -- I forget which year -- but right near the top. I won't go back to check because then I lose everything I've typed here -- and I already did that once!

I've got to tell you it's easy to accept good advice, and I sure thank you for yours. There is no way I would take offense. It's important to all the volunteers here that we make everything workable and satisfying for everyone who wants to participate. I know it sounds corny, but you are the customer, and you are (after God!) the mainstay of Heavenletters. You add to the fun and let us know that you value what God gives us here.

Maybe we need a new category now too of Suggestions. Not sure. Maybe. Might Technical be a place for this already?

You sure are great about your having paid extra for the postage, angel.

Now I have a confession. Your book and CD went out yesterday (Tuesday) and I messed up. I believe I dedicated the book to you -- unless your mom is also named Colleen!

So it looks like I owe you another book, sweetheart. You gave more, and now it looks like you get a bigger return! Will you let me know for sure when your book arrives?

Blessings and love,


Awwww, Bless your heart

Awwww, Bless your heart Gloria! You're too sweet! No, my Mommies name isn't the same as mine but she won't mind that the book has my name in it -- we can share! I moved back home to live with my Mom after my Father died suddenly on Christmas morning 1994 and us kids didn't want our Mother to live alone so it's no problem for us to share things.

By the way, just thought I'd mention that in Irish belief (which basically is a wisetale) anyone who dies on Christmas day is automatically allowed to enter Heaven! (Wonder if God gets a laugh out of these wisetales?) My Dad could use all the help he could get for that entry and we were very happy to hear this when visiting 1st cousins in Ireland. Although, I sincerely believe in reincarnation and know that my Father has returned to the physical form of my sister's first born child Patrick as he had quite a bit of Karma that needed to be resolved and he's doing quite well this time around! Was interesting experiencing the signs that showed us all that Patrick is my Dad....Patrick never knew my Dad's birthday yet one day at the age of 5 he comes up with wanting to have a birthday party to celebrate his first birthday August 10 -- which was my Dad's birthday, Patrick's birthday is October 24th which he sais at the time that this date is his 2nd birthday. Patrick is now 10 yrs old and the vail of past lifes has totality covered his eyes to any memory of his life here as John Patrick, which is good as he is now Partick and will grow better leaving the past where it belongs in the past.

Anyway, thank you again for your offer of sending another book but you really don't need to unless your really needing to find a way to get rid of the ones you have before you move.

With Love,

The Irish belief that who

The Irish belief that who dies on Christmas day is automatically allowed to enter Heaven is beautiful, I love this.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful experience of your Dad being reborn in Patrick, these ways of God to reveal our eternity to ouselves is wonderful.
My friend's son used to tell her mom: "My sweetest daughter, I love you!" and when she asked about this he told her with the innocence of his young age: "Sure, I was your father in our previous life!" Amazingly beautiful.

Love and blessings to you dear !