In My Father's House

God said:

There are no quandaries. Your mind decides there are. Your mind decides you are in a pickle. Let your mind decide rather that you are in a miracle. Whatever is going on, you are in the midst of life! To think of it, you are ordained to live life in the world and make it a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Enough of the concept of quandary. Quandary is short-sided vision. It is almost no vision at all.

Where there is a garden, you may have seen a maze. Whatever you may perceive, My delightful child, you are in a garden. You are actually in the Garden of Eden. What would My heart be but the Garden of Eden? Your eyes have peered narrowly. You had a dream that you were elsewhere, in a land of perplexity. Have another dream then. Alight to the Reality of Our Existence.

You live in many dimensions. Which dimension you focus on is up to you. You may have to remind yourself that your eyes can be trained to see more than what is right in front of them. What a limited existence to see only the precise physical before you. Look, the physical world is just not enough for you. I know that sometimes you think it is too much. You say that when you see too much disarray. Change where you are looking.

Your vision is like a kaleidoscope. Just a little turn, and everything is changed. What has changed but your vision? I know you like to be a realist. Beloveds, the physical is not the only real.

Love is real, only you can't get your mind around it. You know what love is, yet love has no borders to confine you. If you want to be confined, look at the physical. Want to see molehills out of mountains, look at the physical. Why, how you look has become more meaningful to you than Who you are. Yes, your world is topsy-turvy. You can turn it right side up. Well, maybe all you have to do is to stand on your head! Certainly, you do have to look from a different angle. Look from Mine while you are at it. Why not? Why wouldn't you see what enriches you rather than what you surmise does not?

When you have a diamond in your hand and the diamond is covered with dust, you don't say, "That can't be a diamond. It is all covered in dust." Why, you simply look further than the dust. Appearances are not the answer for you. You have been bound to the physical and made it your idol. You worship it. This is how you are bound to it. You think you are nothing without it. Dear ones, you are not more with it. Beyond the physical, you are a Great Being. The physical does not do you justice.

Oh, it may flatter you every now and then, yet what good is flattery to you? It is not really you who is flattered. It is that interloper ego. It stands between you and your sighting the Greatness that you are. But don't blame ego. Ego is your choice too.

If you feel you have to be important, that is your ego guidance system. You already are important. You never were unimportant. Oh, the world may look askance at you, or not even see you in your True Light, but that's the world for you. That's only one dimension of life. The limits of the world offer you great opportunity to shine, and shine you must, and shine you will.

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You were talking to Me

You were talking to Me today, weren't You?
Let me be Me.

Thank You
Love You
Love Me

When you have a diamond in

When you have a diamond in your hand and the diamond is covered with dust, you don't say, "That can't be a diamond. It is all covered in dust."

I blow away the dust from the past which I allowed to dim the brilliance of the diamond I am - because I come from You! I celebrate that I am a diamond - I celebrate the Love that shines so
brightly within so I may shine brightly in the world and to the world and help to create a better world.
Thank You!

This is from a new

This is from a new subscriber, Lina, in Bogata, Columbia, who wasn't able to post herself. It is such a beautiful message that we had to post it for all of us to read. Thank you, Lina! Note: This was translated from the Spanish by Elisabeth Lightworker. Thank you, dear one. This is also posted in Spanish.]


It is with great joy and admiration for these releases of God through Heavenletters that my soul has been inspired to the sweetest and ineffable love when I read your translations into Spanish ... and I confess that I translate them with AltaVista when I find them in English because of the need to know what God will be saying ..., so it is the largest gift this year to have messages of God daily.

Until today I could not put the commentary because it gave me hard work even though you explained it to me so well...,I ask you to check it to see if I did well, in advance thousand and thousand thanks ... It's very nice to be on your page.

God is wisdom and love in action, and this way to let us know that we are always loved is very beautiful and powerful .., And I do not know if this has happened to others, but when I have received Anita Manasse Heavenletters translations, coincidentally there are the words of encouragement and a high synergy and timing perfect that I need at that particular moment, and that fills me with happiness and joy ... to know God’s unconditional love for me and the surprising tenderness of His love.

Thank you, with all my heart for your interest that we are aware of everything .. AND also send you a thousand and thousand Hugs

I am happy be awarded with the translations.

Querida Lina, This touches

Querida Lina,

This touches my heart so much. When I think of your going to a computer program like Altavista to translate a Heavenletter because your soul is hungry for them, I feel something big in my heart for your purity of spirit.

I think of Anita and Elisabeth and Cecilia and all the translators who translate from the goodness of their hearts so that you and others can read Heavenletters without struggle.

Linda, it is dear subscribers like you that embolden our hearts. We can know, through you that God is thanking us.

God bless you.
With love,


1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Love is real
Alight to reality
Be a realist

Love, Light and Aloha!


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