Let This Be You

God said:

Today is your debut. This is the day of your coming-out party. You are coming out of the past and beginning a new venture. This is the springtime of your life. No matter what, no matter your age and circumstances, you are taking a new step, and you know now that you are walking right into My heart. You come right in, and you tell Me a story. You tell Me how your day is going.

Of course, I have accompanied you all along. You are not telling Me anything new. Nevertheless, I am happy to listen to you reveal your story to Me. Your story is entitled "My Life and Times." You are the one telling it, and you scripted a lot of it too.

Every day you write your own story. You may or may not have an outline. Even if you do, you may or may not be able to follow it.

You have an intention every day. I do not mean the intentions to accomplish this task or that, but rather your deeper intentions, a more subtle level of intention, like your intention to do well by the world, like your intention to be happy, to give happiness, like your intention to give up selfishness, like your intention to grow, like your intention to love and to love from now on. Let Us call your story then "My Intention to Love." Carry that intention. It is like a high beam of light that you shine on your life.

Let your intention be more than to merely get through the day without too much debris.

Let's entitle your story "How I Create a Beautiful Day in My Life." What a great title for the beginning of a day. Let everyone steal that title from you. Let it be mass-produced. Let's put it on your calendar.

What will be the story of your life today? You can only write it as you go along. You know that. There are twists and turns to your story. They cannot all be predicted nor prevented nor made to your specification. All you know is that you have a day before you, and that, regardless of everything else, it is up to you to create it. Beloveds, whose day is it if not yours? Perhaps you slip and fall down on ice. You might protest that you did not create the fall, you did not incur it, for who would incur it, you say. And yet you fell - who is there to argue with about it? Your fall is already past. Now what do you do? This is what I am talking about. What do you do now? Your fall does not have to be your downfall.

Here is where you definitely have choices. You can get up. You can be of good cheer. Even if you cannot physically lift yourself, you can get up. You can be what you want to be. You can, spiritually speaking, get up, brush yourself off, and embrace a new balance in your life.

Even if your ankle twisted or broke, you, beloveds, have choices. You may not have a choice about sitting around with your foot up for a while, but how you greet this experience is entirely up to you. Even if you are in pain, how you choose to deal with the pain, that is up to you. If not you, who then?

You may not be able to release yourself from pain, yet you can release yourself from its hold on you. Pain, physical or emotional, does not have to ruin your day. Did someone say it had to? Get up from it, and go on.

Someone is going to trip and fall today. Someone will continue to love Me and love the world and love himself and love those around him just the same. Someone will rise above occurrences. Let this be you, beloved. Let this be you who rises above any spills. This is how you bless the Universe.

Now, come, tell Me how your day is going.

Read Comments

Dear God, My day did not

Dear God,

My day did not start well. As a matter of fact, as I write these words, I'm always struggling the urge to just close the window and be with it.
But there is something, the slightest of hope that is keeping me from doing so.
There were many days when your morning letters just arrived on my box, and stayed there unread still this day.
And then there are those that were welcome and cherished the moment they arrived.
Today is one of those.

Never before in my life I remember waking up to such a worthless, useless and unproductive mood.
Never before in my life I felt the 'need' to stay under the sheets and silently wish for the day pass through until the time it's ok to be under the sheets again.
Never before in my life I needed your loving attention to such extents, and received it shortly after.

I love you God.
I love the way you kept me from not writing to you.


Beloved Alper, have we not

Beloved Alper, have we not all had days like that?!!!

Did I understand that you did receive loving attention from God soon after? Will you tell us about it?

And what is this about not writing to God?

With love and blessings,


Thank you God...My day is

Thank you God...My day is illumed with the radiant hues of your guidance.
I now can write my story consciously understanding this wonderful explanation.


You can be what you want to

You can be what you want to be. You can, spiritually speaking, get up, brush yourself off, and embrace a new balance in your life.

we can always choose love, in any moment, the romance with the divine is the sweetest of all.
a most beautiful and uplifting and wonderful Heavenletter !

Now, come, tell Me how your day is going.

... most sweetly and lovingly ! a wonderful day indeed, thanks beloved Father !


My day is beautiful because

My day is beautiful because I started my day reading this Heaven Letter...the sun is shining..but even if it were cold and raining sideways...it would be a beautiful day. No matter what, with You to guide me and You in my heart, we can create a beautiful day together. Yesterday, I sent flowers as a thank you to someone who went above and beyond on my behalf...I feel the wonderful tingly sense of anticipation that she is going to receive this beautiful unexpected gift today...and that is how it is with You - You are always sending flowers and unexpected gifts...and sometimes blessings come in packaging that we might not always recognize...but the gift is to see the blessing in it all!
Thank You!

My day is more beautiful

My day is more beautiful because of all your comments.

Muchas gracias.

Mary, you expressed this so

Mary, you expressed this so lovingly !!!! indeed God sends flowers and gifts without ever stopping and you really said this so nicely !!

loving hugs

Dear Gloria, This letter so

Dear Gloria,
This letter so resonates for me. It is just the point I am finally at. Thank you for the encouragement! All there is is this moment...the past only exists in my mind...which persists in bringing the past to my attention and regret in this moment... Love, Sasha

Beloved Sasha, for so long

Beloved Sasha, for so long we have wanted you to post, and now you are here! Thank you.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said all along
I have accompanied you
Taking a new step

Love, Light and Aloha!


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