In Martial Arts

God said:

Moods have got to go. Being reactive has to go. You know what I mean. Reaction. Blind-sided reaction. You are quick to ignite. Founded or unfounded, your reaction has to go. Perhaps you like to react. Sometimes it seems that your happiness comes from being offended. You find a certain happiness in feeling wronged, for now you have something to fight over. Maybe you like a good disagreement, is this true?

There are finer ways to live life than finding offenses to pounce onto. Find rewards to pounce onto instead. Yes, be quick to smile. Be quick to enjoy. Otherwise, don't burn. Don't get yourself fired up. Do not ignite into flame at all. Stay cool. Don't even have a slow burn.

What is the cost to you of breaking out in anger or any of its distant relatives? What is the reward? Perhaps you feel you have to stick up for yourself? You do not have to stick up for yourself. You exist. There is nothing to stick up for.

There may have been an old offense stirred up, and you latch an old event onto a current event or word. You may fall for it every time. Certain things tick you off. Serve yourself well, and get over those repetitive words or looks or deeds that tick you off. Be a leader rather than a reactor.

Even if it is true that someone doesn't honor you, how much does his or her honor amount to? If this same person gave you advice on the stock market, would you follow it? And, yet, if he should make a remark you don't like, deliberately or by chance, then you take him at his word and you become a puppet who dances to his tune. It must be you are looking for an argument or to revive a hurt.

It is not smart to flare up because of someone else's thoughtlessness or even deliberate offense. In any case, he has been thoughtless.

Odds are you are angry with yourself for falling into an old trap and trying to defend yourself. Don't. If someone is seemingly unkind, must you be? If someone wishes to oppose you, why should you oppose him? Come from real strength instead of pique. Remember Me. Remember My regard for you.

I know you would like to be out of the fray once and for all, for you know it doesn't get you anywhere. There are so many other things to think about rather than who and what and why someone doesn't value you enough and how you must not allow this. Value yourself enough. Don't have pique. The other person is not the star of your life.

Make your own life, and make it higher.

As it is in martial arts, you come out ahead as you do not offer resistance. You really do not have to fend off offense. No one makes you get hot under the collar.

When someone offends you, why add insult and injury to yourself on top of it? When you declare someone as against you, you assault yourself. This is an old pattern, and you no longer want any more of it. Do not hold enmity to you. Befriend yourself. Give yourself wise counsel. You can do it. I ask you to do it.

You do not have to answer to everything that is thrown at you. Give yourself a break. Do not allow an offhand remark or even deliberate remark to compound into a burning of your heart.

I love you and the person who offended you equally. Let Me apologize for the person who offended you. Will you accept My apology?

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finer ways to live life

Working on the things this Heavenmletter suggests, I find myself thinking it shouldn't be the hard and prolonged work it is. It wasn't work to get into them. Hard, yes, but not work. Well, it may be work now to the extent fighting and blowing up are still craved. I find that you can be thoroughly tired of them and still seek the pleasure of striking back – like two countries at war who don't know how to end it.

I found out a while ago there is no winning for me. No one is made to listen. Attempts at making them take in what you say will only strengthen their unconscious resolve to not even understand what you are driving at. Obviously, then, what I really want is a second defeat, a good one this time. The first one must have been devastating enough to hold me in its thrall for those many years. I want the second one to be a smiling giving in to ... to what or whom? I don't know, I don't care, but it feels like spotting a suddenly opened secret door and walking out into the brimming spring, bursting with joy.

Don't burn. Yes, simply don't. You may be right and justified a thousand times, don't. For your own sake, don't. Dear God, it feels such a sad thing right now to have wasted all these years with righteous indignation and just wars. But the prospect of being rid of all of that is really nice. After some time, we will not even remember what this hilarious nonsense of being right and justified was about.

Odds are you are angry with yourself for falling into an old trap and trying to defend yourself. This is probably the heart of the matter.

Do not hold enmity to you. Yes, you started to suspect that Creation really is friendly through and through and that you are one of the last of those stamping and fuming dinosaurs who haven't noticed the times are a-changing.

Really, God, let's go.

I love you and the person who offended you equally. Let Me apologize for the person who offended you. Will you accept My apology?

Um, is it all right for me to answer when I'm quite sure of my answer?





Yes, we don't NEED to react! It just causes that "hot under the collar feeling", which is


Hi God! I love you! Thank

Hi God!

I love you! Thank you for showing me how uncovering what makes you angry can be a game! How did you get me to a stage where when I feel the anger rising I (mostly) laugh and welcome that hurt part of myself into my heart for a cuddle?

I'm finding it hard to live my truth at the moment without some negative feelings though - I'm really trying to discern my true feelings, your divine direction and follow them/it and sometimes getting things wrong. And so I start judging myself, and then someone 'attacks' me for trying to live my truth and invalidates my truth and what I'm feeling. God, it is hard not to feel angry and judgemental about myself and those I perceive are attacking me. I can't always verbalise why my 'truth' seems right to me and why I'm not following the rules of society and general attitudes - so I judge myself as doing You a disservice by being unable to explain to people about my beliefs about You and how the world works (from my spiritual perspective).

I'm not even trying to say that I want people to agree with me, or that mine is the only truth - I just want people to accept that is MY truth, without trying to tell me I'm wrong and prove I'm being fooled.

You and me alone together - life is simple. Integrating You and me into work, marriage, friendships, interactions with people who have a completely different view to me. Does anyone else feel they are sometimes living a double life? Just giving snippets of what they truly believe because what they TRULY believe is so far from the norm? Or is it just me?

How do you live your truth in conversations at the school gate, over lunch at work, with a husband who has no belief in God or a spiritual aspect to life at all.

I just want to blah it all out and have done with it!

Sorry, just all came bubbling out!

Kateywoo xx

Sorry, angel? Sorry for

Sorry, angel? Sorry for being honest? You are to be applauded for being honest. Who cannot relate to what you said.

Your question sums it up beautifully: How do you live your truth in conversations at the school gate, over lunch at work, with a husband who has no belief in God or a spiritual aspect to life at all.

Coincidentally, Kateywoo, in the Godwriting blog this morning, God may have been clarifying the human condition.

a double life?

Does anyone else feel they are sometimes living a double life? Just giving snippets of what they truly believe because what they TRULY believe is so far from the norm?

Since you ask, Kate, and since I remember you so well for the lovely breakfast scene with your children you recounted, I feel moved to say something. But, you know, I had to think first. I don't feel like I'm living a double life, and I had to ask myself why. Should we perhaps distinguish between living what life has given us to understand and speaking about it? I believe it is perfectly possible to live according to what Heavenletters teach us without discussing them with others who may not yet be ready for a revolution of this magnitude. I sometimes ask questions to at least indicate that some of the things deemed obvious aren't obvious for me any more, that my certainties are gone and I don't miss them. I don't feel like telling truths or spreading some word except through however much of the one Self I am able to live at the moment. A certain "mouth-laziness" (translation of German word) and even cowardice may also play a part. The important thing, I believe, is that what we TRULY believe is the same for all of us. We are in various stages of growing into it, and during some of these stages we feel more or less insecure and therefore tend to lash out nicely or violently when our beliefs are questioned. Your temperament, evidently, is different from mine. But go back to that breakfast scene with your children.


Dearest Kate, I live a double life. I live a life within myself and I have learned to keep silent outside. My interactions are on the surface and they serve me mostly to understand where I am. Usually I adapt myself to others like a chameleon.

All must reside in Being.

Dear Kate,
Trying to discuss mentally with people or convince them of the rightfulness of the choice of our spiritual path is maintaining for our own self a state of duality that we precisely want to be relieved from. Just being what we say requires so much attention that there is no need to disperse our attention to what people have to say or comment. What we are radiates and people can accept or refuse that radiation. We have to be like the Sun: it just shines no matter if people want to hide from it.

We are entering consciously in the world of vibrations where there will be less and less room for mental dissertations and more and more room for Silence where the real words reside.

Thank you all so much for

Thank you all so much for your loving replies! We all have so much desire to live our lives in God and for God.

And God answered me directly too!!!

He said - there is no need for words, when you embody peace and your oneness with God, it radiates out to all around you.
And He said - concentrate on raising and maintaining your own inner light. Bless others you encounter, and leave them to God.

Which spookily matches what some of you said! You wise people!

He's saying to me now:
Living your truth doesn't mean having to explain it to everybody, God will prompt you from the heart to say something when appropriate, not from the ego. You recognise when this is the case if you are prompted by love rather than fear/anger/thinking you are right/judgement/other negative feelings.

Yay! Much happier now!
Love you all with so much love!
Kate xxxxxx

Thank You!

Dear Kate,

Thank You so much for sharing with us! I love you for that!
Thank God, you got an answer yourself straight from The Source!

After reading this Heavenletter I will keep on praying every day:
Let me meet You in everything and everyone, so there is no space to get upset or feel angry about what I see.
Let me grow (up) in consciousness and see beyond the borders of my personal narrowmindness. We are all One, for there Is Only You, my First and Last Everlasting Love.

Your (Rainbow)Child.


God must be studying

God must be studying Buddhism

Peace, Bernie

Why, St. B., He was the

Why, St. B., He was the Inventor of it!

i keep forgetting He came

i keep forgetting He came first

Peace, Bernie

Thank You!

Haha..I posted my reply double, for I couldn't find it back..
Well...I think I needed an extra reminder!

Hug, Yriah.



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