You Are a Charter Member
The tower you build to Heaven will not topple. You are on steady ground. The steady ground you stand on is Heaven. Earth is rocky. That's okay. You stand firm in Heaven. You abide in Heaven. You balance beautifully in Heaven.
On Earth, you seek to find your balance. When you just find it, then the ground under you shifts. Do not think so much about balance. Think about joy instead. You do not have to balance joy. Accept it. Relish it. Exalt Heaven.
There is great joy on Earth. True joy equals Heaven. True joy. Meaningfulness hops up to Heaven. Joy lifts you up higher. Higher is a good place to be.
Somersault in life. Do handsprings. Get yourself up in the air. Fly high. Carry the world with you. Lift the feet of the Earth higher. As you trod the soil of Earth, raise the world. Be a lever that bounces Earth to Heaven. Or be a pulley that lifts Earth to Heaven where it belongs. The world has been in a closet of its own making. Take the closet door off its hinges. Open it up. There is no void. There is Vastness. Vastness is not a void, beloveds. You cannot call the center of a cell as void. Vastness is full. It is full of Everythingness.
Each atom has a core, and you are the core of the Earth. You are Earth's Destiny. You have come to Earth to spin it. You are the double helix on Earth come to resound it. You are the beat of My heart on Earth. The beat of My heart never stops, nor does yours, nor does your true heart which beats evermore in Heaven.
You tour Earth while you abide in Heaven. There would be no Earth unless there were Heaven. Earth came from Heaven like a rainbow with you on it. Earth and rainbows return to Heaven from whence they came. You are a charter member of Heaven. Remember your Source. Remember the beauty of all. Hold your head high so that you are centered in Earth as in Heaven.
Consider the Earth a spinning top, and you are the one who spins it.
Earth is a collective. It is a community. Heaven sustains it. Hearts pump Earth. Earth is like a tank for hearts to beat and grow in the delivery of love. Oh, yes, deliver love from Heaven, and so balance the spinning Earth. Make it happy.
Perhaps you have thought that the Earth owes you a living. You may have had it backwards. Give your proceeds to the Earth. All is to be given. If giving were a task, your task is to give. But the ability to give love is the highest ability I have given you. It is your talent. Talent is not a task. Talent is God-given, and it is for you to express.
You are learning to express Heaven on Earth. You are building a tower to Heaven. Or call it a bean stalk. There is no top to this bean stalk, and no giant at the top, unless you call love a giant. The love from Heaven is secured on Earth, and you are the securer of it. From Heaven through you comes My love. What else did you think you were doing? What else did you think you were here for? Perhaps you thought you were here to make money or garner fame? Go ahead. Become wealthy and famous, and use your wealth and fame well. Don't just sit there. Put them to good use.
You inhabit a world in order to bless it. You and I, We bless the world.
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