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HL #4207
Posted May 14th, 2012 by Luus
There are times when you dave in. This is what I am talking about. You give up your heart's truth for a false coin. You give up your heart and let
something else come before your heart. You give in to popularity, perhaps. You give in to someone's will that is more definite than yours. There is will and Will. Do not give away My Will for you.
I can't find the verb DAVE and take it there is a typing error of some kind. Wonder what word te is supposed to be.
Thanks a lot, Gloria.
Beloved Luus, so glad you
Beloved Luus, so glad you caught this. Thank you so much! It's a pure typo! It was meant to be Cave in, meaning to give in, except the connotation of cave in is being maybe a wee bit out of your integrity. I fixed it, dear one.
another unknown word
The whole world can sanction acts and perspectives that are not right to your heart. The whole world can say it is okay to steal from the innocent.
The world may say It is okay to steal under certain circumstances and in such ways. The world can talk about wiley ways. Because you can get away with something does not make it right.
The wordl can talk about WILEY ways.
What does the word wiley mean?
Have you heard the
Have you heard the expression -- women's wiles? Wiles is the noun. Here are some synonyms I found on Google:
1. ploys, tricks, devices, lures, manoeuvres, dodges, ruses, artifices, subterfuges, stratagems, contrivances, impositions She never hesitated to use her feminine wiles to get her own way.
2. cunning, craft, fraud, cheating, guile, artifice, trickery, chicanery, craftiness, artfulness, slyness His wit and wiles have made him one of the sharpest politicians in the Cabinet.
Wiley is the adjective. A fox might be considered wiley. Clever!
Thank you, beautiful friend.
Luus, I'm responding to
Luus, I'm responding to myself now. Jochen quite rightfully wrote in. I misspelled the word. It is spelled wily! Thanks, Jochen. I'll fix it on the Heavenletter.
I did see the word "wily" in
I did see the word "wily" in a post but it does not appear here on the forum. So now it's clear why I could not find it.