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Heavenletter #4537 What Are Thoughts without Language

This newly-written Heavenletter has a last paragraph that originally began with a quotation that needed clarification:

You are like the old woman in a shoe who had so many children, she didn’t know what to do. Thoughts are your children. You are responsible for them. After all, they do issue from you. You want to learn to rein them in and not let them go all over the place and get in the way of other people. Thoughts are such a bother, and yet you cannot disown them. One way or another, they are your thoughts. You thought them or borrowed them or spelled them. Therefore, you are responsible for them.

Onthe Heavenletter Listing page, it is made clearer that the first sentence of the last paragraph isn't made of God's original words:

“You are like the old woman in a shoe
who had so many children,
she didn’t know what to do.”

Thoughts are your children. You are responsible for them. After all, they do issue from you. You want to learn to rein them in and not let them go all over the place and get in the way of other people. Thoughts are such a bother, and yet you cannot disown them. One way or another, they are your thoughts. You thought them or borrowed them or spelled them. Therefore, you are responsible for them.

This makes better sense, yes?

Paula, who has been single-handedly translating Heavenletters™ every day for nine years, told me once that she had difficulty translating when God included nursery rhyme references!

For your own personal knowledge, this is a Mother Goose nursery rhyme. Here is the complete rhyme:

By Mother Goose
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread;
and whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.

And thanks to Theophil who also pointed out the need to help translators out when God makes reference to a nursery rhyme.

By the way, is this nursery rhyme known in your country? Are Mother Goose Fairy Tales not known all over the world?

Please post your comments here on the forum if you will be so kind:

Please post any questions you have here as well. There must be times when you’re translating and not positive what the intention of a certain phrase is. Please ask!

Thank you for all you are doing to help to spread God’s Words all over the world. You are filling a supreme need.

With love and blessings,



Dear Gloria,

could it be that you mean nr. #4547? because #3547 was before I started translating.

As far as I know there is no Mother Goose nursery rhyme in Dutch. But there are Mother Goose fairytales.

Because this is an uneven number Luus will translate this Hl. Maybe she will respond as well.

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

Anneke, don't tell me! Oh,

Anneke, don't tell me! Oh, no, I messed up the numbers! Why don't I check?!!!

Yes, indeed, you are right. I do mean #4547!

One reason why Theophil took over numbering Heavenletters is because I couldn't be counted on when it came to numbers! I see I haven't lost my touch!

Thanks, dear Anneke!

it is nr. # 4537

it is #4537.... I was wrong too ;o)

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

Well, we are both laughing

Well, we are both laughing now, Anneke!

I believe I put the correct number of the Heavenletter at the very top in the Heavenletter Title itself.

Loving you,


children songs in Dutch

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

in German?

I guess, there are no Mother Goose nursery rhymes in German culture,


Dear Theophil, are there

Dear Theophil, are there other kinds of sing-song rhymes for young children in Germany?

We had some other ones that may not have been Mother Goose.

other chilren rhymes

Dear Gloria,

of course there are, dozens. There is a good website collecting them ...
