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# 4526 The Beauty of Embarrassment

Dear Gloria,

'Nor is it human to err' this sentence puzzles me. I always thought it was human to err?

Could you please explain what is meant here?

love and light,

# 4526 The Beauty of Embarrassment

Look at embarrassment this way: It is good for you. So, you made a mistake. Big mistake or small, what does it matter? An error is not a fall from grace. Nor is it human to err, yet there is plenty enough of error in the world. Errors will come and go. With or without error, you are My beautiful child. I do not point at you or scoff for any error you make. An error isn’t much. It is a trifle. Move on from trifles.

And is this par. self-mage = maybe self-image? :

It is you who reacts to the embarrassment and calls it overwhelming. You are the one reacting, and it is to yourself that you react. Your preferred self-mage got tarnished in front of the eyes of the world. The truth is you are a wonderful human being. You can let go now of that self image you have liked to purport yourself to be. Only on Earth can you feel like a fool or be thought one. Only on Earth. Unthink.

Dearest Anneke, thank you

Dearest Anneke, thank you for your questions. I hold in great faith the power of reading Heavenletters™ so deeply (and translating) and how somehow the stirring that you do resonate a higher vibration. When I think of it, I am overwhelmed with the power of the questions asked on this Global Translator Circle.

And I also personally love digging in!

This is my interpretation of what God means here when he emphasizes that it is not human to err. So long as the world thinks so, it will be. We don't need any support in making errors! It is better for us to have a higher opinion of human beings in general and in ourselves. And also, who knows what is called an error really is. Every error Edison made led him to the discovery of electricity, so I have heard. In that way each error was a blessing.

It seems to me that the world makes too much of errors. Are they really such a problem?

My thought is that God wanted to emphasize that it is good for us to perhaps change our way of thinking and perceiving. Oh, God really says that in the next paragraph you included here!

About self-image, we fall flat on our face, and we are sorry and embarrassed. We make too much of embarrassment too. Has to be ego, no?


Dear Gloria,

thank you for explaining it to me. Maybe I'll have another question for you about this Heavenletter. I have to think about it some more......

The word self-mage is missing an i.....self-image, so I think this has to be corrected in this Hl.

Thanks a lot,

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

I absolutely didn't see it!

I absolutely didn't see it! I went to correct it, dear angel, and it seems that someone corrected it before I got there.

Thank you so much!

Now to your next question!

#4526 my next question

Dear Gloria,

here is my next question : how can I learn from my mistakes that I am infallible? How can I be infallible and still be mighty?

Mistakes are relative, beloveds. What importance is given to mistakes is also relative. Why wring all the juice from what is called embarrassment? Embarrassment is its own error. Here you go. From mistakes, great discoveries are made. Mistakes are something off the beaten path, and that from mistakes, great discoveries are made. At the very least, in each mistake, you discover that you are infallible. You can be infallible and still be mighty.

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

Okay, as best I understand

Okay, as best I understand your question, you are looking at this in a logical fashion! HAHA!

Could God mean that embarrassment is greater than whatever other error is less. The original slip-up led you to embarrassment. So your original error led to good and so did your second error of embarrassment because now you can see embarrassment for what it is. From mistakes, great discoveries are made. I love that.

I understand your question: From our mistakes we at least learn that we are not perfect. That should keep us humble! Everyone makes mistakes. We discover that we are imperfect, yet God says we are still mighty. We are powerful nevertheless-- oops!

Anneke, I'm going on and on and I made a mistake! You are so right! And because I made a mistake, I really woke up. I just whizzed by the word infallible for the moment not thinking at all. Infallible in the Heavenletter is meant to be fallible.

Fallible means capable of mistakes. Of course, God means that even though we make mistakes, we are mighty.

Let's make sure I have it right now. Do I, Anneke. Is that what you were trying to tell me in the first place?

I need to change infallible (never making a mistake) to fallible (capable of making a mistake.)

Pride goeth before a fall! I sure slipped on that one!

Anneke, I am deeply grateful to you for your careful reading of Heavenletters.

Dear Gloria and dear

Dear Gloria and dear Anneke,

It was me who added the missing i, but I'm sorry I missed the error in infallible.

Although I hope to catch all errors, but I must say that since English is not my mother-tongue, it is not always easy to notice all grammatical errors. So I will need to pay even more attention than I do right now.


And I have to slow down and

And I have to slow down and really apply myself when I proof.

Thank God for you and Anneke who do catch 99% or more of typos I don't. It may actually be an advantage that English is a second language for you. Certainly, you pay better attention. .

It's a good feeling to know you are watching out for Heavenletters, beloved Luus. Muchas gracias!

Love, Gloria

now it makes sense...

Dear Gloria,

now it makes sense to me....yes, that's what I tried to tell you, but I could have been could have been an ego thing as well.......

Let me say this: I'm am really not looking for typo's or mistakes, but I want to understand what I am translating. And that's why I ask these questions.....

And I didn't understand how to be infallible and be mighty. And being fallible and still be mighty, yes I can understand that......

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke