Heavenletter #4522
Dear Gloria,
translating this Hl a found a typo : behavior = behaviour
love and light,
A Cartoon Representation of Love
Heavenletter #4522
Somewhere along the line, you learned to neglect your true heart. You distanced from your feelings and imposed upon them. Supposed-to be became your byword. Proper behavior and standards infringed on your heart. Your mind began to manage the love in your heart and told your heart when and where love could be entertained. Your heart was told what to feel, and thoughts dominated your heart and squelched it. Ebullience got stepped on. Spontaneity was stomped on, and your beautiful heart went into disrepair.
Ah, beloved Anneke, here's
Ah, beloved Anneke, here's the story:
BehavioUr is the British spelling of the word. Americans spell it behavior! For once, angel, this isn't really a typo!
I don't know why the spelling had to change or how it happened. I imagine that no one changed it. It just changed!
Thank you so much. It could have been a typo. we know.
Loving you,