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HEAVEN #4188

I am translating Heavenletter #4188, and I'm just wondering about this expression:

The mind can say to the heart: "Full steam ahead. Avast! Avast!."

It seems contradictory, as avast means 'stop, hold, desist' in every dictionary I consulted. This is not the first time I see this word used in Heavenletters with the apparent meaning of 'ahead', while it means the exact opposite. Maybe there is another interpretation that I don't get.


"Avast" may mean the Dutch "hou vast"

I also always wonder how to translate "Avast" and this is what I find in

avast [əˈvɑːst]
sentence substitute
(Transport / Nautical Terms) Nautical stop! cease!
[perhaps from Dutch hou'vast hold fast]

The Dutch verb is "vasthouden" which could be translated as "hold on tight".

Beloved Paula and

Beloved Paula and Luus,

You're right! A mistake like this has to be my doing.

You taught me something. Best to just remove Avast twice.

Thank you so much.

Love, Gloria