God Favors the Truth of You

God said:

Ego comes in many costumes and keeps manufacturing new ones. Ego thinks creatively, I will give it that. And yet ego doesn't change its colors nor does it show its true colors.

I will go so far as to say that anything that is not from love is ego. What in the world is not ego unless it is love?

Fear is ego taken aback. Loss and gain are ego presumptions. Embarrassment. Shame. Envy. Selfishness. Blame. You know them well. Perhaps ego appears when you think there is something you have to hold onto. Perhaps even success is ego-based.

You have a long list of fault-finding. I hear you say that fault exists, that you didn't make the fault appear. You just point it out. You just want to correct the other person in his best interest. You believe you're doing him a favor. Beloveds, the concept of raising someone to your level may also be ego-based. The Great Ones did not look to see fault. Who wants to look at fault? Without finding fault, you wouldn't try to improve the one sitting across from you.. You wouldn't try to capture him and make him what you set out to.

Notice that I said the concept of raising someone to your perceived level is ego-based. I did not say the actual uplifting of another is ego-based. And yet people can only raise themselves. By effort, there isn't much you can do.

Even despair and depression are ego-based. Reacting is ego-based. Let Me say that again. When you react, when you combat, ego is having a good time at your expense. Ego is quick to take offense and slow to finish. And ego likes to have the last laugh. Ego is a great pretender. He's got you fooled.

One premise that you have bought from ego is the idea that you need to be saved. I will tell you that there is nothing for you to be saved from, well, except for the bogeyman! Even your depreciation of yourself is ego having a good laugh at your expense.

Ego is such a con-artist.

Love fills. Ego empties.

Love is spontaneous. It is like an emission. Ego is well-calculated. It calculates itself. It is like a snake. Who do you think the serpent in the Bible was but beguiling ego? Ego slinks in, pretending humility and your defense. Ego likes to think of himself as a good guy who is only looking out for you. Ego likes to think that, yet ego is raising its own flag.

Ego will zap you. Any victory of ego is short-lived, yet ego thinks of itself as established. Ego puts a foot on your chest and keeps you down.

Ego doesn't exist, beloveds. Ego is a made-up guy. You have made him up.

Of course I do not favor ego's guises. I favor love. I favor the Truth of you. I favor the authentic.

Notice that I do not have any of ego's arsenal in My possession. I possess nothing but love, and I don't really possess that either for I keep giving it away, and yet more always comes back. It is inevitable that I give love and that it is returned.. Wherever there is love, I AM. And there is no awayness from love, beloveds.

You love that which loves and bolsters you, You don't like that which seems not to love and bolster you. You don't need bolstering. That's an idea you bought. What you need is to give love.

No longer adore and safeguard your ego. Beloveds, you have bigger fish to fry.

Read Comments

Fish Fry

Ego uncovered, blowing smoke,
no form there, and not a joke.
Recognition of the plot,
seeing through what ego's not.

Fear is a lie, to keep control,
over and over separate role,
beyond and through is only You.
Love is the center, I Am too.

I love it!

I love it!

Human ego is a cyborg

Human created ego to experience what it feels like to play separate roles, separate actings. Ego is a cyborg, a sophisticated electric-magnetic control system. It works on an action-reaction predictable pattern. It has no vibration, In fact, it only REACTS.
Love is a vibration that is beyond action-reaction. It IS in the Instant.

IS is the name

Normand: Is in the instant jumped into my consciousness and spelled out my life. Wow!


Yes George, this is the

Yes George, this is the Wizard of IZ!

Norman's contact with the Wizard

Takes lots of walking on the "yellow brick road" to finally discover who's inside the lion costume. You walk with your inner eyes wide open.


God Favors the Truth in Us, Me


What I have understood from YOUR GRACIOUS LETTER today is: that where LOVE IS, YOU

ARE.And that all we have to do is be Love and Give Love. Mercy is the sweetest form of Love

I do believe. Always releasing anyone and anything from anything opposite from Love, Kindness

Mercy and Peace.

EGO decorations for the holidays

Now and then my ego wears the mask of holiness so it can strut around in mock humility.

What's the problem?

That sells. That writes books, It makes us focus on the false ideas and miss the real.


back to the real

This are His ways !

thank God of your loveng

thank God of your loveng wors,
only love we can give it's other without ego


dear evry one
am sory of my spelling of my comment
it main is not wors i main words,

Beloved Carmen, we all

Beloved Carmen, we all understood.

Spelling is not important. Your sharing your heart is.

We are so happy that you post.


"Even despair and depression are ego-based. Reacting is ego-based." Reading these words brought me a bright ray of sunshine and a deep inner shift. Then later in the day I happened to reread the Heavenletter where God says "get out of mood mode." I seem to need reminding of these truths regularly. Once again God's timing was perfect. Margaret

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said you are love
I favor Love and the Truth
And I favor you

God said wherever
What you need is to give love
More always comes back

Love, Light and Aloha!


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