The Confluence of Love
I long for you to celebrate your life. What a novel idea! You may already celebrate the day of your birth, but what about your life altogether? What about celebrating the existence of life, a celebration of the day of the Earth's birth as well as your own?
Is not My creativity superb? I understand you see creation as complex. You keep wanting to narrow it down through analysis of it and pin the tail on the donkey, as it were.
Yet creation is simple, not complex. When I exhaled, everything fell into place. It is like I threw thoughts of creation into the air like confetti, and everything fell to the ground perfectly. Creation revealed itself as a perfect concordance just the way notes of music align themselves and create a beauty never exactly known before. Creation is creation, beloveds.
Just like you, I had a thought, and then creation arose. I had a thought of you, and you arose. You have a thought of going to the store, and then you go to the store.
I had a thought of a beautiful world. I was the first to have the concept of world. A world had not been thought of before. In the beginning there was a Word, and the Word was God. And God thought of another word, and the word was World. Which came first, the word or the world?
I celebrated the confluence of love made into form. I celebrate it still. Every day I celebrate the birth of existence and the birth of you. If you could only know the depth of the breath that you arose from quite spontaneously. I had a thought, yet I did not think a thought. I was in love. Only love could create you, a manifestation of My love. From love, love arose. It is like I dipped my hand into a treasure chest, and pulled out you. I was not surprised. I knew you were going to arise. I did not have to lay out plans and diagrams. You were not thought out. You burst from My love just the way the sun, moon, and stars came into being through My boundless love. You had to be, just as the galaxies have to be. Magnificence burst out of My heart, and it could only be you.
There is a tendency for My children to not appreciate themselves. There is a tendency for My children to find themselves unacceptable. Can you imagine this? Can you imagine that the blossom of My heart would not be a flower of great worth? Yet it seems that you imagine this every day.
You are worthwhile, beloveds, and you are worth My while. I love My creation, and I love you who are My love. Of course, I do not separate Myself from you who are My very thought. You are a word I spoke, and I speak it still.
Language is an interesting concept. You are learning the language of love. You are finding out about it, and you are exclaiming it. Hand in hand with love you go. Hand in hand with My heart, you explore your heart. Therefore, you are exploring My heart. Whatever I AM, you ARE. Explore yourselves, beloveds, and never again deplore yourself.
I ask you to know your Greatness and therefore Mine. I ask you to unburden yourself of old-fashioned unproductive ideas. I ask you to leap into My arms of love. Know how much I love you, and know how much you are worth and worth My love. No longer digress from love of self to self-disparagement. You know you have been bitterly discounting yourself, therefore creation, therefore life, therefore, in a roundabout way, Me. Therefore you have been asleep when you can be awake.
Let no discouraging word pass your heart or lips again. Start celebrating now.
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