Does the Bluebird Take Credit for His Singing?

God said:

I am sorry to tell you that pride is another name for ego. To take joy is not the same as ego. Being glad is not necessarily the same as ego.

It is, of course, a good thing to take pride in your family and country, and it is a good thing to value other families and countries as well. Take pride in your country, and take pride in all other countries.

It is a good thing to be glad of a job well-done. Value your work, and value the work of all others. That work which you consider lowly serves you. The one who kneels to shine another's shoes is no less than the one whose shoes are being shined. All are servants. Value everyone.

Does the bluebird take credit for his singing? Bluebirds simply do what bluebirds do. The bluebird says: "I sing to glorify the world, and not myself. I do not hold myself above even one other. I sing my song, and all others sing their song. I can only sing mine. Another can only sing his." Of course, the bluebird does not really think this. The bluebird really just sings for the glory of singing. How happy is a bluebird to be alive at this moment of the awakening sun.

It could be said that I gave to you right-handedness and to another, I gave left-handedness. Who is it that says one hand is loftier than another?

I gave someone the talent to be a comedian, and I gave to another the ability to laugh. How integral each is to the other.

To one I gave the ability to paint, and another cleans the brushes. The world values the painter more than the one who cleans the brushes. Of course, the world does not see as I do see. How do you see, beloveds?

The value of the painter is that he loves to paint and share his vision. He is doing what he loves to do. The one who washes the brushes may not be doing what he loves to do, and yet he too serves the painting.

You might say that the painter is luckier than the one who cleans the brushes, or you might say that the painter sought more than the cleaner of the brushes, and yet each is blessed with good fortune.

I created One Universe called Earth. It is One Universe. The one who paints and the one who cleans are two who fulfill their role in the Wholeness.

You may not know all you are contributing, and you may not know all that another is contributing, yet each contributes his significance to the Whole. Have awareness that each player in life has his importance. It is for you to take pride in life itself, and perhaps less in the role you play.

Here's the thing, beloved. When you truly know your merit and the merit that lies in the world, you will have humility. You will not feel that it is urgent that you receive love and favor. When you know that you are paramount to Creation, what need would there be for you to prove it to yourself or anyone?

All are blessed. I do not give My blessings more to one and less to another. I know it seems in the world that there are those who are blessed with greater good fortune than others. Know, once and for all, that all My love for you and others is My love, and My blessings are My blessings. You are equally loved. My heart loves. I love you. I love you. I love you. Under all circumstances, I love you. You are loved. I honor you, and I ask you to honor all.

Read Comments

So sweet...

So sweet to realize that all of us are loved through and through and equally too. A human father and mother may play favorites with their children...such goes the illusion of separation. But thankfully, God plays no favorites with us. Do we play favorites with others? Regretably, it appears so...And heart greets others with a Love that greets and embraces...through and through...this includes you! I do not have to fall for the many separation games any longer...As God gently embraces...I gently receive the Love...Thank you God...Thank you Mother/Father God. May I come still closer aned closer to You to be a worthy steward of your Love. Blessings to you too! Jim and Jimi.

Indeed Jim and Jimi, human

Indeed Jim and Jimi, human love, which is usually conditional, is also another name for ego because it is preferential. Emotions, which are "motions", are also another name for Ego. Everything that is not unconditional Love and service has the ego stamp on it. With unconditional Love we learn to see as God does see.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said I love you
Under all circumstances
Do you see the love

God said here's the thing
My heart loves all equally
And I honor all

Love, Light and Aloha!

you are my value

daer God,
i am happy of my being because you are my value
you are my pride and thank you so much your blessing
and i love you God


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